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Dig Dug

Dig Dug

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"Why are we doing this again?" Benji complains as he follows his older sister.

They're on their way to Max's house in order for Lexie to give Billy a 'piece of her mind' after what happened with Missy.

"Because, Benji," the older girl begins, "Billy thinks he's this intimidating, hot piece of ass, when in reality all he really is, is an asshole."

They turn the corner onto the street where they would have to pass the Wheeler's house, only to see a familiar maroon car.

"Is that Steve Harrington?" Benji mutters in confusion, "I thought he and Nancy broke up..."

"They did..." Lexie replies as they get closer.

They see Steve get out the car carrying a bouquet of roses, speaking to himself. Only then do they notice Dustin, his eyes also set on the Harrington boy.

"Steve," the curly haired boy calls out, "Are those for Mr or Mrs Wheeler?"


"Good." Dustin snatches the flowers out of his hand and heads towards the car, seeing the Nelson siblings in the process, "I need you two as well."

"Hey, what the hell? Hey!" Steve protests, chasing after the boy.

"Nancy isn't home."

"Where is she?" Steve asks as the Lexie and Benji catch up.

"Doesn't matter!" Dustin sighs, "We have bigger problems than your love life. Do you still have that bat?"

"Bat? What bat?" Steve questions, glancing at the strawberry blonde siblings.

"The one with the nails." Dustin states, as if it's obvious.


"Why do you have a bat with nails?" Lexie asks the boy, unaware of how just involved he was in the events last year.

"I'll explain on the way." Dustin brushes off all their questions.

With that they all get into Steve's car, Dustin directing Steve to drive to his house.

With that they all get into Steve's car, Dustin directing Steve to drive to his house

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The Kennedy girl sits on her bed thinking about her powers, wondering if maybe there were more - just waiting to be unlocked in the depths of her subconscious.

"Eleven had more than one..." she whispers quietly to herself, "Telekinesis and telepathy."

She thinks back to the candles, the fires she had created using her mind and then it clicks.


Negative emotions had always been her main point of focus when creating fires - anger in particular.

"What would happen if I just..."

Missy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, bringing her mind to a state of tranquility before she can begin to focus.

She thinks of happy things, she thinks of her friends and family. She thinks of their first Christmas with Benji's family - the matching sweaters, the mistletoe, the kiss. She thinks of her second kiss with Benji, the one in the hallway just a few days earlier - the one that brought butterflies to her stomach and heat to her cheeks. She thinks of the older sister that she's not related to by blood and she thinks of the little sister she is blood related to.

"Woah..." a small voice brings her out of her thoughts and she snaps her head towards the door. Lottie stands in the doorway, jaw dropped and eyes wide as saucers. "You're magic!" The younger girl exclaims, pointing to the bed where Missy is sitting.

The older girl wipes her nose with her sleeve and looks at the bed, only to see dozens of flowers of all different colours and shapes covering her bed sheets. Ivy twisting around the poles of the headboard and roses in her hair.

"What happened?!" Alice's voice can be heard as she rushes into the room, expecting to see a fire after hearing the word 'magic' come from Lottie's mouth, "Oh my god.."

"How did you do that?" Lottie asks her sister, who looks to her mother for guidance on her answer.

Realising her eldest daughter's panic, Alice smiles and responds instead, "Come sit down next to Missy and we'll explain, okay?"

And explain they did.
"So, she has superpowers?" The nine year old girl questions and her mother laughs gently,

"Pretty much."

"And I can't tell anyone?"

"Nobody," Missy says seriously, "Think of it as our little secret, okay?"

"Okay," Lottie smiles before linking her pinky with Missy's.

"So, Missy," Alice looks towards the girl, twirling a flower between her fingers, "Plants and fire, huh?"

"Yeah," Missy begins, "I'm not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'm an elemental. Like, the fire comes with anger, the flowers come with happiness and I'm pretty sure that storms come with sadness considering there was a random storm when I was upset the other day. I'm pretty sure it's when I feel something strongly."

"So, what were you thinking of to get all these pretty flowers?" Lottie asks with a knowing smile.

Missy mutters something under her breath as her cheeks heat up.

"What was that?" Alice smirks, sharing looks with her youngest daughter.

"Benji..." the girl closes her icy blue eyes tightly, her face flushing in embarrassment.

"Missy and Benji sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,"

Missy throws a cushion at her sisters face to prevent her from singing the rest of the song and the three of them laugh loudly, unbeknownst to Tony watching from the doorway with a smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to Will's," Missy stands up, taking a pack of gum from her bedside table, "Mike called and said he had another episode so, I'm gonna go check on him."

"Okay, tell the Byers we said hello." Alice replies as they watch Missy leave, the flowers in her hair disappearing as she walks.

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