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The Mind Flayer

The Mind Flayer

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"So, she has powers like Eleven and none of you thought to fill the rest of us in on it?" Hopper questions once the rest of Missy and Benji's families arrive.

Benji leaves it to their parents to explain while he anxiously waits for his best friend to come back from the shower. He often finds himself glancing in the direction of the bathroom, hating that she isn't in his view anymore.

He feels a dip in the sofa besides him and looks over to see Max, who sends him a reassuring smile, "She's okay, you know? She's strong and I'm sure she'll be okay. She's safe now."

Benji nods, "I thought I'd lost her, Max." His voice cracks as he continues, "When we got in the van and she wasn't with them-" he shakes his head and tears roll down his cheeks.

Seeing his struggle, Max pulls him into a hug, "You haven't lost her, she's safe." She pulls away and sends him a smile, "Plus, do you really think Missy would let some slimy Demogorgons walk all over her."

Benji snickers slightly, shaking his head.

"Exactly, she's a badass - a badass with superpowers."

"Yeah." He smiles softly as Hopper gets up to make a call.
Just as Hopper slams the phone down, the bathroom door creaks open and Missy slowly enters the room. She stands awkwardly, playing with her fingers as everyone stares at her.

"You okay, Missy?" Alice asks her, having never seen her eldest daughter in such an anxious state.

Missy doesn't answer, her eyes trailing over to Benji. He gets the hint and stands up, heading over to the girl and slinging an arm over her shoulder. He guides her to take a seat between himself and Lexie, who places a comforting hand on the girl's back.

"They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin asks the police chief, referring to the people on the other side of the phone call.

"We'll see."

"We'll see?" Mike asks, "We can't just sit here while those things are loose!"

"We stay here, and we wait for help." Hopper walks away.

Benji noticed Missy's shaking hands and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a packet of gum. He taps her hand softly and hands her a piece of the gum, tucking the pack into her pocket.

She kisses his cheek thankfully before placing the piece of gum into her mouth and chewing away her stress.

Mike stands and walks over to a stack of puzzle type toys, "Did you know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV?"

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