Chapter 16

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

Chad P.O.V.

“I told you not to cross her again Chad!” Amy yelled. 

“I didn’t cross her! She just can’t deal with the fact that I’ve moved on and I’m not still heart broken!” I shouted. 

“Chad she still loves you. She wants you back even though she ended things,” Amy said. 

“Amy your sister had all the time in the world to get me back before I got with Alyssa,” I said. 

“She thinks you two can get back together because you two slept together on the cruise.” 

“She cheated on her new boyfriend with me! She gave me a fucking STD! I love Alyssa and I’ve moved on so tell your sister to just forget about what happened!” 

“I wish she would forget about what happened but Chad she won’t. You already know she hates me. I’ve tried to do so many things to get her to forgive me but she still doesn’t like talking to me. We’re not as close as we were before that thing happened between me and you.” 

It was after school and I was sitting in my car in the school parking lot. I had to get to basketball practice but I needed to talk to Amy first. Since Alyssa had lost all of her after school activity privileges she was now just helping teachers out after school until I got out of practice. The only teacher Alyssa was helping was Jake. I still didn’t like the guy but so far Alyssa was back to trusting him so I was trying not to make a big deal out of things. 

“She’s still not over what happened between me and you?” I asked. 

“Chad what sister would just get over catching her little sister in bed with her boyfriend,” Amy said.

“I didn’t think she still cared about that. That was over two years ago,” I said. 

“She loved you Chad. She never thought that we would do that to her.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt her back then. I even thought we had gotten pass everything but I guess we didn’t.” 

“Chad she’s really messed up right now and our parents are thinking of taking her out of college and bringing her home. They want her to maybe take the rest of the year off to get her head together.” 

“She can’t come back. She needs to just stay in college and try to get on with her life.” 

“I know Chad.”

Amy placed her hand on my knee and looked up into my eyes. This girl was once such a big temptation for me and that’s why I had cheated on her sister with her. But I was changed now and I had only cheated on Alyssa once. I wasn’t going to ever do that again. I loved Alyssa and knew she was my future. 

“So you really aren’t behind the sex tapes and everything?” I asked. 

“No Chad. I will admit I did something to the muffins but I would never do all that other stuff. I care about you and wouldn’t want you mad at me,” Amy said. 

I took Amy’s hand off my knee and brought her hand to my lips. “I could never be mad at you,” I said kissing her hand lightly. 

“I still like you Chad,” Amy said. 

“You know we’re not going to happen Amy. It wouldn’t work with my ex being your sister and I’m with Alyssa,” I said. 

“When did you ever start dating black girls anyway?”

“I don’t care about her being black. Just because my exes are blonde haired, blue eyed, beauties. Doesn’t mean I can’t like caramel colored, brown eyed, beauties.”

“I know I just wonder how Alyssa got such a great guy.” 

“She’s a great girl and I’m lucky to be with her. She’s my everything Amy.” 

“Oh how I wish you were saying this about me.” 

“You’ll find a guy.”

“I hope he’s like you. You know no one compares to your first. You were mine, so all the other guys have to live up to what you were for me.” 

“Anyway will you keep a look out for me.” 

“Fine. But I don’t know where to start looking. Who would want to ruin you and Alyssa? Mainly Alyssa.” 

“I don’t know but that’s what I want to fine out. Alyssa has been hurt too much in the past. I won’t let anyone hurt her again.”

“You’re such a good boyfriend. Alyssa is lucky.” 

After talking to Amy we got out of my car and I went to basketball practice. Amy wasn’t behind all the things going on so who was. I wanted to find this person before anything else bad happened to Alyssa or I.

Alyssa P.O.V.

I was in Jake’s classroom helping him do some work. Ever since he and I came to an understanding we were doing better as student and teacher.

“I still love you Alyssa,” Jake said. 

I was meeting Chad in the gym in five minutes and I was getting ready to go when Jake had to drop the, I still love you bomb again. 

“Jake we were doing so well why open this conversation up again,” I said. 

Jake walked over to me and I stopped gathering my things and gave him my attention. 

“Because I’ve proven that I’m not still a crazy asshole who you thought broke your heart and only wanted to cause you pain,” Jake said. 

“Jake don’t do this to me. I forgave you and found a way to move on. I’m happy now where I am in my life. Can’t you just let it be,” I said. 

“No. I gave you up once because I was stupid but I came back for you. You think I’d be working here if it weren’t for you. I wanted to be close to you again and this was the only way I knew how to make that happen,” Jake said. 

Jake wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I still felt a connection to Jake but it wasn’t the same connection I previously had with him. The way I had felt about Jake when I first got with him and the way I felt about him now were too different feelings.

“If you give me another chance I will treat you right. Alyssa just give me another chance to show you that I’m worth being with you,” Jake said.

Jake leaned in to me and brushed his lips against mine lightly. He was giving me a chance to back away but something in me just wanted to see if that spark was still there with him. 

I pressed my lips to Jake’s and kissed him just acting in the moment. I knew this was wrong considering that I was with Chad and I loved him. But Jake was just someone that wasn’t going away. I wanted to kiss Jake to prove that nothing was still between us. But I think kissing him just proved the opposite.

Jake deepened the kiss and picked me up sitting me on a nearby desk. I wrapped my arms around his neck getting lost in the familiar feeling of his lips. 

After a couple minutes the kiss ended and Jake and I just caught our breaths thinking about what just happened between us. 


I couldn’t speak I was lost for words. That kiss with Jake just brought all the good, the bad, and the ugly feelings I had for him back. When we were together our relationship had its highs and it lows. I had blocked out all the good things and had only remembered the bad up until this moment.


I still just couldn’t speak. Jake was looking at me just waiting for me to say something but I couldn’t. 

Luckily my cell phone buzzed and I could distract myself. 

I got up off the desk I was siting on and grabbed my phone. I had a new text message from Chad asking me where I was. I texted Chad back quickly telling him I was on my way. 

This kiss I had with Jake was nice but I didn’t know if it made me second-guess my commitment to Chad. Chad was the one that had been here for me ever since Jake broke my heart. Was I willing to give Jake a second chance now all based off of some kiss? 

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