Part 3) The relapse

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My mind went blank.

What would I do? She won't live forever. I will.

No one can replace her. I can't just move on. What would people think of me?

Would they think I would go insane? I would take over? She is the person who bring harmony to my life.

She can't die. She can't.

I don't want to think about this right now.

I see the sun start to rise a bit. Had I been thinking about this all night? I need sleep.

I wake up and the sun has already risen. I'm guessing it's about 3:00? Damn, I slept in.

I walk downstairs to see an empty house.

I'm guessing she already left.

I don't feel like being around ponies right now.

I feel like I can't talk to anyone. I don't fit in. Especially when I look like this.

I teleport to the Everfree Forest. It's probably my favorite place to just be alone.

It is boring though. Scary trees? I've seen them all. Overgrown vines? So bland. Maybe we could add some decorations? Nothing crazy though.

I make some of the trees pink with peppermint trunks.

Woah. I hadn't messed with stuff in a while.

I make the grass purple. I make animals rainbow colored. I messed with anything I could see. I even made it rain chocolate milk.

I couldn't help but smile. This was so fun.

~The Everfree Forest is so small.. why stop there..?~

What? Wait.

Oh shit. Oh no.

I quickly snapped and returned everything to its normal form.

I cant believe I did that. But.. It felt so good.

I loved every second of it.

How could they take the chaos away from the Lord of Chaos?

~They cant stop you..~

I am not supposed to be here.

Chaos is what i've been missing. I loved it.

~Just take over..~

I cant. She's gonna be disappointed.

~She is going to be gone soon.~

I hate these damn voices. I just wanted to punch myself in the moment to make them stop.

~She won't live forever.~

At that moment I just yelled and punched anything I could see.

I hate it. I hate it. Stop it. Shut up. Don't speak. Don't talk. I hate all this!!!

I punch a rock a little too hard. It cause me the ground to shake. 

Oh no.

The shaking wasn't just in the Everfree forest, it went through Ponyville.

I then notice my castle start to shake.

Oh no.

The towers collapse on themselves and it all slowly breaks in.

Oh. Shit.

    Fluttershy POV:

I wake up after my restless night, I guess finally went to sleep. Discord is still knocked out. Figures.

I take off the covers and walk downstairs. I make myself a pancake.

My lunch with Clover is today. I really don't feel like going, but i'm not the type of person who bails on someone.

It's 9 right now. I have plenty of time to run some errands and go around town.

I guess I must have lost track doing stuff because it was already 3:00. I had picked up some things from Sweet Apple Acres so I need to drop them off at the castle before I meet him there. 

I check the bedroom and Discord isn't there. I guess he finally woke up. I make our bed and get ready to head out.

I feel the castle start to rumble. That's weird..

I walk downstairs to see what's going on.

I then see rubble and pieces of our house falling in on itself.

I run for the door but It collapses. Am I stuck?

I cant be stuck here. Where is Discord?

I'm starting to panic. I'm looking at my house crumble to pieces while i'm also trying to find a way to escape.

A piece of our wall falls on me and I fall to the ground.

My heart is beating. Dust fills around me and I can see less and less. I am in so much pain from the wall. I cant even move.

A picture from our weddings falls and shatters right in front of me.

I start to cry. Where is Discord?!

The whole castle collapses. I take my last breath.

Where... is.. Dis..cord.?

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