Part 8) I dont think therapy fixes that

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I decided to go back to the castle. I had been walking around a lot and felt tired.

I'm glad I came to see her memorial. It really was beautiful.

I arrive at the castle to see Celestia sitting near the entrance. She look startled when she saw me.

"Discord! How was your visit?"

Was she.. waiting for me? I guess I had been gone for a while, the sun was already setting.

"It was nice. I was glad I went." I said with a short smile.

She smiled back.

"I'm going to go to my room.. I'm pretty tired from all the walking." I said.

"Ah alright. Good night Discord." Celestia said as she smiled.

I enter my room and drop dead on the bed. I wasn't joking about being tired. I slowly drift off....

I can see her.

She is right infront of me.

She's smiling at me.

I reach out and grab her hoove.

I can feel her.

She's here.

She slowly.. fades away..

She becomes harder to hold on to.

"Fluttershy! Hold on!"

Her expression quickly changes from a smile to a disappointed angry one.

I cant feel her anymore.

"You let me go." She said.

She falls back and fades from view.

I try so hard to grab her.



I woke up. I sit up and look around.

I did let her go.

I killed her.

I should have been there. I watched the castle crumble. I didn't do anything to stop it. My magic couldn't find her. I wasn't strong enough.

Why wasn't I strong enough?

I ran out of my room and out of the castle.

I went to her grave. She was here.

"I'm so sorry dear... I let you go.." I started to cry.

I laid down and wrapped my tail around her stone, like we used to.

I used to watch her sleep. She was so peaceful. I loved when we would cuddle like this. I would do anything to do that with her once more.

I slowly wake up.

She's with me. I get to wake up with her next to me.

I get up and sit in front of her stone.

"I visited the garden yesterday.. It was beautiful. You always took such good care of it."

I smiled at her stone. Then I start to cry.

"I cant pretend everything is okay. All I think about is you. I cant get over you if your the only thing I think about!!" I said angrily.

I clenched my fist and aim for her stone.

I stopped myself.

What was I doing..?

I look down at my hands to see them shaking. These are the hands that killed her. And I was about to do it again.

I am destructive. I did scare her.

I wish I could just talk to her. I have so many questions. It makes me so angry that she's not here to answer them.

I would just like to say goodbye.

The Fall of FluttercordWhere stories live. Discover now