Part 10) Good soup

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I told Rarity I would think about going so we could end the conversation. She finished her alterations and told me they would be done in a couple of days.

"Thanks Rarity." I said as I walked out and waved.

"Not a problem, and I hope I can see you there." She said as she looked up to me with a smile.

I smiled back and walked out.

I do not want to go to that party.

As I was getting ready to fly back to Canterlot, I saw her memorial. I should leave her flowers, I thought. I walked over and made a bouquet of roses appear.

I set them down and look at the picture they had of her on the stone. She looked beautiful.

After a couple of seconds I notice some ponies started to stare at me. I didn't feel like dealing with people so I flew away.

I enter the castle to see Celestia sitting on her throne.

"Hello Discord! How did it go with Rarity?"

"You tricked me."


"You knew I would never agree to go to the gala. So you tricked me into to going to Rarity's."

"I didn't trick you. I thought you would know what it was for."

"The gala has been the last thing I've been thinking about!"

She stayed silent.

"Why don't you want to go to the gala?"

"I'm just.. not ready for a party."

"Alright. I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I'm not going to force you to go." She said as she started to walk over to me.

She came over to me and hugged me.

"But she would want you to-"


I pulled away from her. I've had enough.

"Everything has been about her! What about me?? Ive tried to move on. But everyone just reminds me of her. They always bring her up. They all treat me different now! Everyone just thinks 'I'm the guy with the dead wife!'" I start crying.

"Discord.. no one treats you differently.."

"For Gods sake Tia! You baby me! You think I'm unstable! Your.. your scared of me.." I look up at her. She is scared.

My breathing gets quicker.

I teleport out of the castle and into the Everfree Forest.

I look around to see a crowded forest full of trees.

I start punching a tree with as much force I can give.

I cry and scream as I punch the tree. Everything hurts.

I punch the tree slower and slower.. until I get too tired to.

My heart is beating quickly and I'm having trouble breathing.

I.. I cant really see.. My eyes start to close and everything goes blurry..

I start to open my eyes. I see a zebra standing over a pot of soup boiling. I look down to see my hands, that have bloody wraps over them. I guess I cut my hands from the tree.

"..Where am I.?" I said, confused.

"Hello Discord, welcome to my hut. I have some soup ready, would you like a cup?"

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