Part 17) I didnt know you had a green thumb

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I stood in the middle of our garden. It was the day after the gala. It was early and the sun hadn't risen yet. It was a perfect time to come because there would be no ponies walking around. Just me and her... together.

I couldn't sleep. How could I? Things that Chrysalis had said in her voice just stuck in my head. Why.. Why did she do that? Why did she come back now? Why me?

The garden hasn't been looking it's best recently. Actually, Ponyville itself hadn't been doing that well. The grass has been dull and flowers never sprouted as much anymore. Animals have been.. confused. Without.. her.. they're not sure what to do. She would usually wake them up, feed them, and tell them what to do for the day. The bees didn't know where to pollinate, the birds didn't know where to make nests, the bunnies didn't know where to find food...

Thankfully Applejack offered to take most of the animals in her farm. They have their own space to roam free with plenty of food.

But still.. not even just Ponyville. Equestria seemed dull.. The world seemed dull... my world.. seemed dull without her.

I'm not sure what I was thinking at this moment. I haven't been sure of myself for a long time. But what I did next was something I never thought I would do.

I closed my eyes as I placed my paw on my heart. As the wind blew and the sun rose, little orbs of colorful lights emerged from my heart and flew across the meadow.

As the last pieces of my magic, the things that made me, me, exited my body, I suddenly grew pale and felt.. light. I looked around, to see the orbs falling onto the nature in front of me, turning grass from grey to bright green, sprouting flowers across the field. I sat down watching this beauty unfold. I look to the left of me, to see a single daisy, with a yellow center and pink petals.

I knew what would come next. I had relinquished my magic, putting it to better use to help what she loved most, to always thrive and grow.

I look down to see my body slowly start to fade and turn into ashes.

I never saw myself as a compassionate person. If you told me I would do this a couple years ago, I would probably laugh at you. But I learned these things from her. She showed me this new world that wasn't full of chaos, but full of love.

I'd never thought I'd feel love. Even under.. the strange circumstances we had.. she still loved me. How could I ever replace her?

The fading slowly reached from my body, to my chin. The last thing I could find myself thinking about.. was her.


I suddenly bolt up from my rest. I look around and realize I had fallen asleep in the library. I look down to see what book I had slept on. Draconequus: What are they?

It came back to me after I thought for a second. I had wanted to read up on Discords species. But the page I was on was blank..?

I flip through the pages of the book to see more than half of them blank, only the first couple pages are filled out. I guess I gave into sleep after all the frustration from this book.

I look back over to the first page.

"Draconequus: they are a very mysterious creature; no one truly understands them and their nature, but we can assume that they are very powerful."

The rest of the page is full of basic information, like how they look and average height. Below the text is also a rough sketch of one.

Wow. This book is very outdated.

I chuckle as I rub my eyes. I decide to get some fresh air so I walk to the entrance. As I open the door, I see an arrangement of flowers and grass growing all around Ponyville.

What? How did all these flowers grow overnight.?

The brightness from the sun stuns me for a second and I blink to adjust to the sunlight.

I walk outside, to see Ponyville the most colorful and lively it's been for a while. Ponies were outside playing, talking, flying, and with eachother.

As I walk more into town I see Rarity outside her boutique examining the flowers.

"Rarity! What's going on with the flowers?" I ask as I walk to her.

"Hm.. I'm not sure. I do know that these are very unusual, their color patterns just.. don't make sense."

Rarity picked a flower from the ground and levitated it up to me.

It's petals were purple with pink on the end. And the centers were spirals? I looked around to see that most of the flowers were normal, but occasionally their would be an unusual one.

"This now this is weird.."

I then feel Rainbow Dash fly by. She back up and lands next to us as she sees us.

"Twilight! You gotta see this!" Rainbow said to me as she was trying to catch her breath.


"Just follow me!"

I turn to Rarity and give her a 'Ill catch up with you later' look and fly off.

"Rainbow! What's going on?" I yell as I try and catch up to her in the air.

She suddenly stops while looking down. I turn to see what she's looking at. I see fields of crops, corn, tomatoes, peppers, overcrowded with eachother. There were abundance of every single crop. Farmers surround the fields as they look in shock to their crops.

"How did this happen?" I am now far beyond confusion, I am concerned. Not even alicorn magic can grow this many plants.

"Not sure. I just flew down here for some cloud cleanup and saw this. It's all over! I even spoke to AJ, she said this sudden surge of plants has never been seen before!"

I turn to Rainbow with a serious look. "I need to talk to Princess Celestia."

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