Part 14) Hes on 3 windows! Thats a record

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I enter the castle after an.. eventful trip to Ponyville.

I really gotta move out of the castle soon. I've been living here for almost a month and a half and I feel like I've overstayed my welcome.

I walk to the kitchen and set down the cupcakes on the counter. Once again.. Celestia and Luna are no where to be found. They're always so busy... Or maybe I'm just not. I literally have nothing to do.

I don't feel like going to my room yet so I start to walk around the castle.

It's so boring. I never actually took time to realize how much I hate this place. No wonder Celestia and Luna are never here. You know.. a checkered wallpaper would look so much better. And green flooring!

I look around and make alterations to anything I can see. Those curtains would look better yellow! And upside down!

Tia wouldn't mind a couple alterations..? Right.? I smile as I raise my hand to snap, before I stop myself.

What was I doing? This.. this whole thing is what.. took her away.

I slowly put down my hand and continue walking.

I guess I wasn't paying attention where I was going because when I look up I'm in the hall I hate the most.

The hall of windows.

I hate this room because it has all of mine- all of our mistakes up for everyone to see. Mine, Lunas, Sombras...

Luna hardly goes in here too, I guess she hates it as much as I do.

It's just.. seeing yourself as this big scary monster on a giant window.. makes you feel scared. Even of yourself. I don't even recognize myself. I cant believe.. that was me.

Aside from.. everything I hate about myself.. up here.. there's also a window of the best thing that ever happened to me.

I walk up to get a look at it.

(credit to nstone53 on deviant art <3 )

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(credit to nstone53 on deviant art <3 )

What I would give.. to just see her again.

I remember that day so clearly.. Me.. up on the alter.. next to..

She's... blurry. I.. I cant remember her face. I cant... remember her..

My breathing starts to get quicker.

Just then, I hear Celestia turn the corner while talking to a guard.

"Just.. be on high alert." She said with a very stern voice.

The guard next to her nodded and went the other way.

She looked in the room, right at me. I immediately start to think of what to say before she can question what I'm doing.

"..High alert..?" I said.

"Oh yes, there's been a 'threat' of some sort towards us, so everyone's a little on edge, especially when the gala is so close." Celestia said like she was annoyed at the whole situation.

The gala was in two days. Who could be threatening us?

I start to walk next to her.

"Do we know who made the threats?"

Celestia starts to walk with me. "No, we don't. It's too late to cancel the gala, especially with all the invitations being sent out already."

You could tell she was stressing out. I mean I would be too. Who is threatening us?

"You know.. if it actually becomes a.. 'bad situation'... I can always take care of it." I said as I smiled at her, trying to make her feel a bit better. She smiled a small smile, still on edge.

That was a lie though. I hadn't used my magic for a while. I don't even think I know how to teleport anymore.

The other reason I think Celestia is on.. "high alert".. is because is something does actually happen.. the elements of harmony can't stop them. They're really nothing more than just a couple of shiny rocks without all of them together. Was that the reason everyone had been so nice to me.? So I didn't go crazy and take over? They knew they couldn't stop me.. I shake my head of these thoughts and get back to Celestia.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks."

"Well.. I left cupcakes on the counter for you and Luna. I just thought It would be nice." I said, changing the subject.

Celestia giggled. "Thanks. Again."

I nod and wave bye to her and go into my room.

A threat? Isn't there always a threat.? I guess I just don't seem to care like I did before, because before I felt like I had.. something to protect. Someone.

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