Part 19) Im not sure anymore

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It's been 15 years since Fluttershy and Discord died. We all convinced ourselves we had moved on, but no one truly did. Celestia was never the same knowing her oldest friend was gone. The mane 4 and I could never get used to Fluttershy not being with us.

Since, everything, life hit us. Rarity moved to Canterlot to move forward with her fashion business. Pinkie Pie took traveling as her passion, and now travels all over Equestria trying different foods and desserts. Rainbow Dash finally became a Wonderbolt and hardly ever stays in one place, with them having to traveling a lot for shows. Applejack is the only one who stayed in Ponyville, taking over Sweet Apple Acres. And I'm still as busy as ever, being an official leader of Equestria behind Celestia and Luna. I travel a lot myself, making appearances or solving disputes between ponies. It's been a while since we've all been together. We've never had the chance.

Until.. this.


"Alright Spike! What's on the schedule?" I ask enthusiastically.

"Well.." Spike quickly skims through the checklist in his hands. "Nothing, actually."


"Yeah! You finished everything already! I say this calls for a relaxation day.." He says as he pulls up a nearby pillow and falls backwards on it.

"Finished.. Everything..? You mean. I have free time?!"

Spike chuckled. "Yeah, how long has it been.?" He started counted on his fingers.

"I'm not wasting any of this time in this castle!" I levitate Spike on my back and start to walk out the castle.

"Ugh... Where are we going.?"

"Come on Spike, too tired to visit Ponyville?" I ask with a smirk.

His ears perk up and he sits up. "Ponyville! Never!"

I laugh as I walk outside and spread my wings to fly. Spike holds on and I glide into the air. It's been a while since I've been able to fly like this.

We enjoy our flight, admiring the world below us.

We finally arrive in Ponyville, and softly land down in the center. Spike and I look around, reminiscing at our old home.

"What're you planning to do here anyways?" Spike asked.

"Hm.." I wasn't actually sure. "Let's go give Applejack a visit!"

We walk up to Sweet Apple Acres to see an older Applejack, bucking apples into a basket.

She's distracted at her work until she looks up to see us walking towards her.

"Twilight! Spike!" She stops bucking to run over to us.

She jumps on us, pulling us into a tight hug.

"It's been forever since I've seen y'all!" She pulls away. "Whatya doing here anyways?"

"Well... we had a clear schedule and decided to pay Ponyville a visit."

"It'd be rude of my to not invite you guys in!" She gestured is to follow her as she walked toward her house.

"Applebloom! We have company!" Applejack said as she opened the door.

"Whooooo??" I could faintly hear.

"Get your butt down here!"

Applebloom annoyingly walked towards to stairs, until she saw me and Spike at the bottom. Her mood quickly switched to an excited one.

"Twilight!! Spike!!" She ran down and gave us a hug.

"Applebloom! You've gotten so big!" She was basically an adult now.

"Awh yeah.." She blushed. "I'll be moving out soon."

"She just trying to get out of her chores on the barn! She knows she doesn't wanna leave." Applejack said jokingly.

"You wish!"

We sat together at their table and caught up with each other. It was fun to joke about old and new times.

Hours had passed, and the sun had set.

"I think it's time Spike and I head back to the castle. He's looking a little sleepy." I turn to see Spike struggling to hold his head up.

"We understand. Thanks for coming to see us Twilight! Too bad Rainbow wasn't in town for a show."

We start walking to the door.

"One day we all have to get together again, if our schedules let us, that is." I said.

Applejack chuckled. "It seems harder and harder to get free time nowadays."

We said our goodbyes and flew back towards Canterlot Castle. I cant believe how quickly the hours went by just talking to Applejack. I missed it so much.

The next day we were back to our busy schedule. Celestia and Luna were out for the day, so I took over the throne in Canterlot.

I slumped back into the throne.

"Is this really what we have to do all day?"

"You're sitting on a giant throne all day and your complaining?" Spike said as he raised an eyebrow.

I glared at him and stretched my wings.

"It doesn't really give the best back support-"

"Your highness!" I was interrupted by a guard who had just ran in.

He quickly bowed when he saw me.

"I'm sorry for the interruption, but there's someone here you need to see.."

You know, I was expecting a foreign traveller or maybe a leader of a far away kingdom. But nothing would have prepared me for what I saw.

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