Part 9) New pony who dis

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I decide to head back to my room. Celestia would be concerned if she went to my room and I wasn't there.

As I walked into the hall, I run into Celestia, who seemed like she was already looking for me.

"Discord! I was just looking for you."

"Oh. What for?"

"Rarity invited you to her boutique in Ponyville."

"Boutique? What does she need?" Rarity never liked being around me. Why was she inviting me?

"She wants to start working on your suit."

"Suit? For what?" I am so confused.

Celestia looked around.

"It never hurts to have an extra suit. You know?" She was definitely hiding something.

I just stood there, confused.

"Alright! Meet her there at 3 today. And please don't be late. You know how Rarity is." Celestia said before I could ask anymore questions. She started to walk away.

Why was she talking about everything except for the reason I need a suit..?


That was.. weird. I really couldn't think of a reason I'd need a suit.

-At 3-

I walked over to Rarity's boutique and knock on the door.

"Come in!!" I faintly hear from inside.

I walk in to see Rarity pinning a dress on a mare who I don't recognize.

"Hello Discord! I'm glad you came." Rarity said as she turned to look at me. She had red glasses on and a tape measure around her neck.

Her whole boutique was filled with dress designs and fabric. It was a mess.

"Thanks for uh.. inviting me." I said, looking around.

"Alright August! I have your dress all pinned. I can have the alterations done in a day or two."

"Thanks Rarity. I can always count on you."

She had a soothing voice. Her coat was a light brown with light spots, and her hair was dark brown and in a messy bun. She also wore glasses, that almost seemed too big for her.

She walked out. As she closed the door I realized I had been staring at her the whole time. I immediately turn back to Rarity. She was setting down Augusts dress.

"Alright Discord. I can use the pattern for the suit I made you last year, but I'd like to change it a bit." She levitated a pieces of paper and fabric from her drawer.

I walked to her and she started pinning fabric on me.

Me and Rarity had nothing in common and never hung out with eachother. I didn't know what to talk to her about so this was awkward.

"So.. who was she?" I asked, trying to talk about something.

"Hm.? Oh do you mean August? She's from Canterlot but recently moved here. She was one of Photo Finishes students." Rarity said while working.

"Oh. What were you doing for her?"

"She needed some alterations for her dress. I was more than happy too, she took photos of my pieces for her magazine."

"Thats nice."

We stood there for a while in silence.

"It looks like you've been busy.. You have a lot of projects."

"I do, this time of year is always crazy. I always have so many dresses and designs to make."

This time of year?

"What are you making dresses for..?"

She looked up at me like I had just said something crazy.

"The gala of course.?"

The gala?? I totally forgot it was coming up. No wonder Celestia hadn't said anything! She knew I would've said no.

"Wow- I completely forgot.."

"Your going, right? I'd hate to work on this for nothing."

"I don't know.. I'm not sure I want to go to a party.."

Rarity set down her pins and took off her glasses to look at me.

"She would want you to go."

I just started at the ground. Everywhere I go and everyone I talk to has to be a reminder of her.

"I just.. I just don't want to go."

"Discord.. please don't make yourself suffer. She wouldn't want this for you. She would want you to be happy."

I really didn't want to talk about this. Everything has been about her. They don't know what she would've wanted. I do though.

She would've wanted to be alive.

But she's not. Because of me.

I hate myself.

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