Part 7) That was comforting

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I looked around at the place that used to be my- our house.

I'm glad they left the garden here.

She used to love this place. Sometimes she would just sit out here for hours. I loved that about her. She doesn't need chocolate rain or chaos to make her happy. Like I did.

Chaos has really been the last thing on my mind after the.. day. I remember thinking I could take over but there would just be no point. I see myself just saying that about everything nowadays.

It's so hard without her.

I don't really use my magic for anything anymore. I don't have a use.

I don't have a use.

Why was I still here? I could leave.

Where would I go?

I find myself just thinking now. About everything. I'd stay up to try and find solutions for myself.. like I needed to be fixed. But I did though. I was broken. And my solution was gone.

I then feel a swoosh of wind fly by me.


I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to see Rainbow Dash flying backwards to come up to me.

"Hello." I gave her a small smile.

"We haven't seen you in so long."

"Oh yeah, I've been in Canterlot a lot recently."

As she lowered herself from the sky onto the grass, she looked and realized where I was. I was in our old garden.

"Hey.. I never really got to talk to you." She said.

"Yeah. I haven't really talked to anyone."

We stared at the beauty of nature in front of us.

"I'm sorry. I used to give you a hard time." She said, looking up at me.

"It's alright. It's all really past us, you know?" I said, shrugging at her.

We stood there for a couple seconds in silence.

"We all miss her, so much." She said.

"Yeah." I look down. All that comes to mind is fuzzy pictures of her.

"If you ever need anything. Anything. Let me know. I'm always here for you."

"Thank you, Rainbow. That really means more than you think." I give her a sincere smile.

We stand there together for a little longer.

"I'm still on cloud duty. I gotta go. See you around hopefully?" Rainbow said.

"Yeah." I smiled at her.

She then flew away, back into the sky.

I go back to her memorial. I should leave flowers.

I decided I'm going to use my magic and make her some. Just like how I used to.

I made some and set them down. I'm glad the reason I used my magic again was for her.

~Your magic killed her.~

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