Part 4) The day it rained chocolate milk

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           Discord POV:
She isn't gonna be happy. I need to control my anger.

I teleport infront of the castle. It's all rubble.

It's not too hard to fix.?? It's fine.

I snap but nothing fixes. What?

Am I weak? Maybe I'm not in the right headspace.

Where even is she? Wait. Wasn't she going on a date?

A crowd of ponies crowd around my destroyed home.

I see AppleJack running over.

"Discord! What's going on?" She said out of breath.

"I guess the shake was too strong for the castle. It's alright, I can have everything fixed in a week."

"Where is Fluttershy??"

"She's going out with some random guy. She's at Sugar Cube Corner."

"No she isn't!!" said Pinkie Pie, who was running from the direction of Sugar Cube Corner.

"I last saw her at Sweet Apple Acres! She picked up some things and said she was gonna drop them off at her.. house..." Said Applejack, talking slower as she realized.

"So that means.."

I turn around and see the pile which once was my house. She was in there.


I search through the rubble. I start crying.

Please. Please. Please. Please don't let me be the cause of her dying.

Her friends and other ponies join in the search.

I cant lose her.

"I found her!!" A pony said on the other side of the rubble.

I run over. I see something that I never would have wanted to see.

It's her dead bruised body. Oh my gosh.

I quickly go to hold her body.

"Please.. Fluttershy.. PLEASE."

I hold her so close to me, with tears streaming down my face.

This can't be real. We were just together. I didn't get to say goodbye.

I didn't get to say goodbye.

    Twilight Sparkle POV:

It has been two days since the incident. No one knows where Discord is.

No one can believe this happened. Fluttershy was our sweetheart, and she's gone.

Everyone has changed. We have changed.

I don't know what to even feel. I cant believe she's gone.

I cant start crying again. Everyone has been crying.

It's been a hard couple of days for Ponyville.

The day of the incident seemed like a normal day. We were all busy with our own things. I was in my castle sorting books until I felt the ground shake.

I run outside to see Fluttershy and Discords house in crumbles with a crowd of ponies around it. That can't be good.

I run over, to see Discord, holding what looks to be..?

Oh no.

The day of the incident is still all fuzzy to me. I'd rather not think about it. All I know is that it was the day Equestria rained chocolate milk, and no one had a problem with it.

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