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Jenny walked through a door where a lot of students were wandering around. She stopped a student who's passing by and asked where to find the Office room. As per her guidance she walked through the corridor and found the reception.

JENNIFER: Excuse me! I'm here to meet this person. Can you

please call him for a sec? [Showing the picture]

RECEPTIONIST: [with a doubtful look on her face] May I know your relation?

JENNIFER: He doesn't actually know me. But I have some serious things to talk about with him. So, please can I meet him?

RECEPTIONIST: Just a second please.

And the receptionist headedtowards the Head master's room. And through the window it's visible that some seriousdiscussion is happening between them. In a few minutes, the receptionist came to Jenny and escorted her to the principal. As soon as

Jenny entered his office, he started questioning her.

MR. TUFFIN: I thought the cops were done with McKay's case.

JENNIFER: [with a confused look, moving her hand forward for a hand shake,] Hi Mr. Tuffin. I'm Jennifer Allen. So, McKay is his name.

MR. TUFFIN: [accepting her shake hand,] please sit down.

Jennifer took her seat.

MR. TUFFIN: Bryan McKay is his name. So, you don't know him?

JENNIFER: No. I'm Grace Flores's elder sister. I found this picture in her room a few days ago. So, I just wanted to know a few things. Thought he might be helpful.

MR. TUFFIN: Oh, I'm sorry for your loss Ms. Allen. Grace was such a clever child. And about Bryan, it's already been almost 2 months since he died in an accident.


MR. TUFFIN: Yeah. It was really bad that we lost 3 champions in a very few days. And if you are looking for anything more, I suggest you should go to cops than walking straight into school premises Ms. Allen.

Jennifer remained speechless for a while and then she stood,

JENNIFER: Thank you Mr. Tuffin. I'll take a leave now.

MR. TUFFIN: Most welcome.

And Jennifer walked out of the door. Thinking deeply to find another way, she crashed into another person.

STACY: Ow!!! Watch it.

Once after they looked at each other,

STACY: You? Why are you here?

JENNIFER: Didn't come to see you. Ofcourse.

STACY: Whatever.

When they're about go in opposite directions, Stacy turned back,

STACY: By the way, how are you doing?

JENNIFER: Asking me?

STACY: Hope you'll get over it and be well. Good bye.

And she turned back to go on her way. After thinking for a few seconds, Jenny went after her.

" Hey Stacy! Let's talk", she said.

At School cafeteria,

STACY: [ looking at the picture] This is the picture we took a few days back on our school trip.

JENNIFER: [ taking the book out of her bag] And I found it in this book.

STACY: what? Speak to the dead? Oh my. I think this is the same book.

JENNIFER: What do you mean?

JACOB: Hey buddy. What's goin on?

JENNIFER: Hi Jacob, Edward.


JACOB: [Ignoring Jenny] Why is she here?

JENNIFER: Because I think Grace was murdered.

STACY: Wait. what?


JACOB: And why do you think that?

EDWARD: But Mrs.Flores clearly told that it was a suicide. Right?

JENNIFER: Suicide? No. Grace would never do that. She spoke to me on that day. And she even told me that after so many days she's feeling fine. I don't know what does that mean. But.....

STACY: What if she meant, she's finally feeling relieved as she was gonna end herself.

JENNIFER: Definitely not.

JACOB: So, you are doubting us?


JACOB: Then what's with this photo?

JENNIFER: Guys. I know what kind of friends you are to Grace. I would never doubt you people. That fight we had, was different. Okay? I just wanted to know about the person who's marked, as I don't know him at all.

EDWARD: Well Bryan was her boyfriend. And also, he's dead. So he doesn't have anything to do with this.

JENNIFER: Yeah I heard it... wait. What? Boyfriend?

STACY: Yeah he was. And....

EDWARD: Okay wait Stacy. I guess this is not the right place to talk about it. Why don't we go somewhere quieter? But first tell us why we have to trust you?

JENNIFER: [with a confused face] What kind of stupid question is this. I'm her sister.


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