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It's been more than two hours since Edward and Jenny got

Jacob from the hospital. They informed Mrs.Rivera about Lily coming for Jacob. Edward's preparing food. Stacy's got cleaned up, sitting in her room, not talking to anyone, not even saying a single word. Lily's sitting beside Jacob, holding him, watching Jennifer just walking here and there without any reason.

JACOB: Will you just stop it?

JENNIFER : [Stopped at once, looked at Jacob] I can't.

When Edward said, "Food's ready", soon Lily ran into the kitchen for Edward.

JENNIFER: [ Came to Jacob] What is this Jacob. You said everything will be fine.

JACOB: Yeah it has to be that way.

JENNIFER: Then why isn't it?

JACOB: I don't know?

JENNIFER: [Frustrated] Then what do you know Jacob. Why are you doing this? Why have you been acting on your own?

JACOB: I am not.

JENNIFER: Then tell me what you know. Tell me why are we here? What are we doing in this small town?

EDWARD: Guys. Not now. [He yelled] Go and serve your plates. I'll get Stacy.

They both went towards the dining table, where Lily's been waiting for them. They both served their plates, meanwhile Edward joined them.

JENNIFER: Where is she?

EDWARD: She'll eat after sometime.

JENNIFER: She spoke?

EDWARD: Yeah... I guess she's doing better. She just needed a minute.

JACOB: Good.

JENNIFER: So? What are we gonna do next?

EDWARD: I Have no idea. My brain still has not completely recovered.

JENNIFER: Not you. I'm asking Jacob. He's our boss. So we'll just keep following him. Go on Jacob. Back on, call off or return to Asheville? Tell us what your next plan is?

EDWARD: Jacob, what's happening buddy? You said

everything has ended, but it seems like it just started. At the very worst level.

JACOB: I'm not gonna answer anything until I take Lily back home.

JENNIFER: As expected. So self centered.

JACOB: Self centered? I'm trying to protect my eight year old sister Jenny.

JENNIFER: Talking won't hurt you sister Jacob. You are just stalling with some bloody excuses. We still don't know why we are here in Valle Crucis, why you got stabbed by some lunatic, and why are we having this conversation? I don't know what to name it. A vacation? I'll be blabbering like a crazy person, but you're gonna say nothing. And about Stacy, What the hell was that?

EDWARD: Hey.. hey.... Jenny. What gotten into you? Calm down.

JENNIFER: I can't calm down Ed. I need answers. It's hard to accept but I'm going through something. Something that I would never even dare to imagine. I know it's just a dream.

But I also think it's not. .....

EDWARD: What are you saying?

JENNIFER:......I thought I'll get to know what it actually is, eventually. But I'm going crazy after what I saw with Stacy. I guess I shouldn't have brought that book to you. It's all my fault.

JACOB: [intensely] No.. it's not. [took a deep breath] I am the one to blame. I dragged Ed and Stacy into this investigation, now you too just to make myself feel safe.

I guess not. It all began on that bloody lame trip. I should've stopped those three from going into the cabin, while Billie's been manipulating them to get rid of that book. I should've stopped Grace on that night in the forest. [Weepingly] I should've believed Grace when she begged for it. And mainly I shouldn't have faked my promise to her.

JENNIFER: What are you saying?

STACY: You did what?

EDWARD: Stace! Are you okay?

STACY: I'm fine Edward. So, did Grace come to you after

Bryan died?[She asked Jacob] JACOB: Yes. She wanted me to help her. EDWARD: You lied to us.

Jacob said nothing but stood mum like a culprit.

EDWARD: [confused] Jacob, why?

JENNIFER: [with shock] You do know about the book. Didn't you Jacob? I mean before Randy's suicide video.


JACOB: Grace told me about it after we came back from the trip. Also about Bryan's death. She asked me to help her. I thought she's just trying to get our attention. So I didn't believe her.

STACY: [With disappointment]But you said Grace needed space. [Exhales] She would be alive if you told us the truth

Jacob.[With grief] You fucking traitor.

EDWARD: You were disappointed and Jealous that Grace was in a relationship with Bryan and also spent all her time with him. Right? You didn't help her because you didn't believe her, You chose not to help her because you were angry at her. Even after Bryan died.

STACY: And also you didn't let us help her.... [With grief] for a fucking revenge? You asshole.

EDWARD: What is wrong with you man? You are not the

Jacob that I know.

And both Stacy and Edward left from the dining table with hatred.

JENNIFER: So, why are you doing this now? To get rid of your guilt?

JACOB: No. I'm doing this for Grace.

JENNIFER: I wish I could believe that. I don't blame you for not helping her, it's my sister's fault that she chose you as her last hope.

When she's about to leave,she thought a thing and asked, "If you really are so concerned about adead friend, how can you knowingly throw the other two friends into the samehellhole, who are still alive? You would've done it on your own. Just like youdid a day ago.", she smiled. "I'm glad that you came to your senses,Jacob. At Least now", Jennifer said and walked out of the room.

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