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Lily's in her room, making some sketches sitting on the floor. Greta opened the door, " Can't you hear? I've been calling you for dinner.", she yelled.

LILY: [With annoyed face] Eww.. What's that smell?

MRS.RIVERA: Are you making fun of me?

LILY: [Blocking her nose] No. It's stinky.

MRS.RIVERA: Really? Is that coming from me?

LILY: I don't know.

Greta took the room spray from the table and sprayed it over her.

MRS.RIVERA: Now? Is it better?

LILY: [Sniffing] Maybe. Ahhhhhh no it still stinks.

MRS.RIVERA: Ok. Enough girl. Come it's time to stuff your stomach.

They both went down into the dining room, where Jacob was already waiting. Lily took her seat. "Yuck. It's reeking", she said.

JACOB: What's reeking?

LILY: I Don't know?

MRS.RIVERA: Shut up and eat.

LILY: Maybe both of your nostrils have blocked.

MRS.RIVERA: [ponding on table]Enough.

JACOB: [with smirk] That's very rude.

While having her food unwittingly, Lily looked into the hallway and saw someone standing, in the middle of the darkness.

LILY: Is she not gonna have dinner with us?


LILY: I don't know. A guest may be.

JACOB: We don't have any guests today? Do we mom?

MRS. RIVERA: Enough means enough... Lily, I'm done with your silly pranks so eat your food quietly.

LILY: Mom, It's not a prank. There is a girl. [ looking in that direction] She's staring at us.

MRS.RIVERA: [ pounded at the table again] Liliana. Go to your room, Now. I'm sick of this.

JACOB: Mom. Why are you yelling at her?

MRS.RIVERA: You don't defend your sister. She's just a crazy little brat. Do you have any idea how much money I'm spending on her therapists? But she's the same lunatic as ever.

Hearing that Lily started Crying and ran from there.

JACOB: She's just a child mom. She's trying her best. But, do you realize? You just... ruined it. You need to work on your anger.

And he left the dining room.

Lily sat aside, in a corner of her room and

weeping. Slowly her room door opened. It's Jacob and the same person from the hallway sticking at his back. Seeing that, Lily spooked out for a bit.

JACOB: [ Weirdly looked around himself and smiled] Hey,

It's just me. [ approaching her with a box ] And this is for you.

LILY: [Taking it] strawberries? [Smiles] my favourite.

JACOB: [ Chuckles] I know. [ He sat beside her] I'm sorry for what mom said, Lily. And I want you to know that she meant not even a single word. She's just worried you know.... worried about...

LILY: About us?

JACOB: Yeah.

LILY: But I'm telling the truth Jacob.

JACOB: Yes. You never lie. I know that.

LILY: So, you believe me?

JACOB: Yes. I do. You can tell me whatever you want to. [Standing to leave] Okay. Finish it and go to bed.

LILY: [ When he is about to leave] Then I should tell.

JACOB: Yes ofcourse. What is it?

LILY: [ with a frightened look] Your friend is scary.

JACOB: [With confused face] My friend?...... Okay. I'll make sure they won't scare you again [ he laughed and left.]

Next day morning, Lily's in the hall, playing with her toys. When the door got knocked, her mother walked through saying, "You can't play here young lady. Take that mess to your room". And she went to the door, opened it and started talking to the people standing outside. Lily grabbed her doll, approached the window in the other room, and opened it slightly. She saw three people standing outside at the door talking to her mother.

After her mother slammed the door, she heard them talking about some book and worrying about Jacob's uninformed trip. When the guy from the group said, "I'll go, search for the book.", Lily ran upstairs towards Jacob's room.

When she slightly opened the door, she saw Edward tried to hide himself under the bed.

LILY: I know you are here. You can come out. I won't tell mom.

EDWARD: [Sighs] Ok Lily. Close the door.

LILY: [Closed the door] I heard you and the other friends talking. You think Jacob's in danger?

EDWARD: No Lily. Jacob's fine... uh... actually this is just a part of our game that we are playing...you know.....

LILY: You are a bad liar.

EDWARD: Okay...Look. Jacob just went on a trip without telling us. He's not in danger, but never did like this before. So, we're a bit worried about him. I'll make sure, he'll reach back home safe and sound, okay? And don't tell your mother about this.

LILY: No. I won't. But I think he's in danger. And I'm scared. EDWARD: Lily. Jacob is absolutely fine. You don't have to be scared.

LILY: No. I saw someone bad yesterday. Like really really bad, in here. In this house, with Jacob.


LILY: And I haven't seen her before and not even since Jacob left.

EDWARD: Her? You mean a girl?

When Mrs.Greta called out loud for Lily,

LILY: I won't tell mom. You leave fast without making any noise.

After a few hours, suddenly Lily stopped playing and took her tiny bag out from the wardrobe. She started packing a few things, grabbed her doll and slowly reached the hallway, she took a peek into the kitchen. Seeing her mother working, she slowly opened the main door and sneaked out from the house.


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