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Jacob ran to Lily and saw her looking up, her eyes wide open and sitting paralyzed on the table holding her doll. "Hey! Hey Lily! It's ok", he held her in his arms and slowly tapped her back. After a few seconds she came back to senses, "Jacob, when did you come?", she said and became unconscious on his shoulder. He took her to the bed, laid her on it and covered her with a blanket. He came outside where everyone's waiting.

JENNIFER: Is she okay? I don't know what exactly happened. JACOB: She's okay Jenny. But not for too long. She need to take her regular doses.

JENNIFER: Oh.. Isn't this the first time?

JACOB: No. It started 4 years back. Whenever she skips her meds, this happens.

JENNIFER: Why? What happened 4 years ago?

JACOB: Our father took me and Lily on a small trip. On our way back home, I slept in the car and woke up on a ventilator after 3 days with a broken arm and fully injured body. I heard from my mom that it was an accident. My father died on the spot and Lily's got missing. One week passed, I got discharged from the hospital but there was no trace of Lily. But we never stopped searching for her. Mom spent all her savings to search for her. A lot of people said that she might have died, as it was a forest area, some wild animals might've taken her and it's useless to search for her. But we never lost our hope. After 14 days of the accident, we got a call that someone saw a girl who matches Lily's personality was wandering at an old building which is 2 miles away from the accident area. When we went there, it was her. She's paralyzed just like now.

JENNIFER: 14 days? But Jacob, how did she survive for 14

days? Without food and...

JACOB: Nobody knows. She doesn't even remember what happened after the accident. We still don't know how. We were just happy that she's alive. [Exhaled] I have to take her back to Asheville. I can't risk her life.

STACY: But Jacob, we need to find that book. None of us can identify Billie Tartal except you.

EDWARD: I'll take her back to Asheville. You three stay here and search for the book. [Looking at the watch] It's already late now. I'll take her tomorrow morning after she wakes up and get back by tomorrow noon.

JENNIFER: Sounds like a plan.

Jacob packed Lily's things and kept them in the car. While having dinner, they explained to Jenny about what happened at Williams's house.

Next day early in the morning, Jacob tried to take Lily to the car while she's asleep.

LILY: [Suddenly she woke up] Jacob!

JACOB: Hey, how are you feeling now?

LILY: Perfectly okay. Where are you taking me?

JACOB: I.. uh... To the car.

LILY: Why? Are we going somewhere?

JACOB: [Keeping her down] Hey! Lily, listen. Mommy's worried about you. Edward's going to take you back home.

LILY: But I don't wanna go home. I'll stay with you.

JACOB: No no. Lily, it's not safe. I know you're clever to understand. My friends and I have a big task to do. We can't just keep protecting you. Okay? If you go now, I'll be back home within two days with the chocolate cakes as I promised you that day. Okay?

LILY :[nodding her head with a cry face] Okay.

JACOB: Good girl.

STACY: [looking at Edward] Drive safe. EDWARD: Yeah.

Edward took Jenny's car keys and started driving back to Asheville with Lily. After some time passed , the weather started becoming cloudy and dark. A strong wind started passing by, soon it started raining. As the windshield started fogging up, Edward reduced the car speed.

LILY: [Hearing the thunder] Edward! I'm scared. I might fall on us.

EDWARD: [Turned on the windshield wiper] Hey.. it's ok.

Nothing like that will happen.

LILY: How are you so sure? We need to stop.

EDWARD: [Taking the car aside] Ok. Then let's stop by until the weather gets better. Is that ok?

Lily nodded her head, like a yes. Just like Edward said, they stopped the car on the side of the road. A place like nowhere, only trees and a long road as far as they can see. They waited and waited, the weather became no better but worse. After some time, they both fell asleep.

The windshield wiper just kept squeaking, it's almost time for a sunrise but the weather was still dark and cloudy. Lily woke up, saw Edward snoring in his seat. When she looked outside, the storm was still the same. Hearing the sound of the rain water and the wiper that's still squeaking, Lily exhaled and slowly started drawing on the fogged windows with her little fingers.

At once, a hand impression pounded on the glass from outside.. Lily startled and screamed aloud. Edward woke up and asked, "what happened?". When he looked at it, that hand slowly wiped the right side and was dragging towards the back side of the car. Edward slowly looked at the wing mirror, through it he saw a girl standing backside the car. When she gave a slight twist of her neck, the doors got unlocked. Edward panicked and immediately started the car. He locked the doors again and saw Lily's weeping with fear.

EDWARD: [While driving] Don't cry Lily. We'll be fine. [He looked into the mirror] See? She's not following us. We're safe.

" Edward look", Lily screeched loudly.

When Edward looked back on the road, he saw that girl standing in the middle of the path. While trying to dodge her, the car went off the road and crashed.....



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