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Stacy and Jacob arrived at the hospital. Three of them are sitting at the waiting area, looking for Helena. From far away, when Helena gestured to Jenny, she went towards her,

"Are you sure that he'll come today?", Jenny asked.

HELENA: Yeah. I talked to him.


HELENA: I told him that there are some monthly formalities to complete. He's coming.


HELENA: My job's done. You just need to keep an eye on the main door.

JENNIFER: Yeah sure.

Jenny came back to Stacy and Jacob, and told them what Helena told her. After a moment Stacy asked Jenny, "Is Billie's daughter, who you saw last night and you were telling me about?"

JENNIFER: Yeah. Yesterday after You and Ed left, I had a weird dream. At first, it was a memory of that day my parents drowned in the lake. Everything was just the same as it happened. But after that I ended up in an old well. That's it. I know it's just a dream.

That dream reminded me of the worst phase of my life. But what really got into my head is, when I woke up, I'm at the same place where I slept but I was completely soaked in water. How? When I looked around, that girl was staring straight at me. And that look, it's like she was really seeing what I'm going through at that moment.

STACY: Just like it happened to me. And also, to Jacob.

JACOB: They are not just dreams. It's reminding us the weakest phases of our life. It's trying to play with our minds.

Jenny! Did you try to talk with Luna?

JENNIFER: Yeah. I did. But she can't speak nor listen.


JENNIFER: I'll be back in a minute.

Jenny went to the restroom, dried her clothes a bit. When she came out, at some distance she saw a stretcher and a white cloth laid on it. She slowly walked towards it and moved her hand forward to lift the cloth and take a look beneath it. But suddenly she decided not to and walked away. After taking a few steps, when she looked back, she saw a man taking it somewhere.

JENNIFER: Hey, wait. [She went back] Would you mind if I take a look.

That man said nothing but he looked suspicious. When Jenny pulled a cloth a bit, she saw Luna laying on the stretcher. JENNIFER: What are you doing?

"Taking a dead body to the morgue,'' he said hesitantly.

JENNIFER: [Secretly dialling Jacob,] What is your actual name? [looking at his name tag on the uniform, she asked]

That man took his hat off and grabbed Jenny's mouth at once. She panicked and tried to push him but she fell. He grabbed a syringe from the pocket and tried to inject her. Immediately Jenny bit his hand, smashed his face and tried to run away.

When she's about to scream, he pulled her leg and punched her in the face. He looked for the syringe but it was already scattered somewhere. So, he grabbed her neck and started choking her. Jenny's eyes are getting bloodshot red. Then suddenly, someone came and injected that syringe behind his neck and he slowly got knocked out.

"Jennifer! Are you okay?", Helena asked.

Jenny took a gasp and got up, "Yeah. Thanks", she took heavy breaths.

After some time, police reached the area and took Billie Tartal to custody and was kept at the hospital until he opened his eyes. Jenny was treated for being choked. It was also confirmed that Luna's just injected by the same drug as Billie and she's just unconscious.

An hour passed; Billie opened his eyes. Jacob went to the cop, asked for permission to meet him, went inside and closed the door.

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