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"What did you see?"Stacy asked Agnes.

AGNES: It was the dead body of Margaret Williams.

" Dew drops started falling from the sky and soon started raining. Margaret's body was floating on the surface of the water. I was just standing in the middle of that rain stunned and confused. James came near to greet me and soon ran into the mansion once he learned what happened."

EDWARD: But what happened?

AGNES: I'm not sure but the way Violet looked at me, it was obvious that she's blaming me for Margaret's death. She was totally shattered after her mother died. And totally ghosted out of everyone's sight for weeks. But I used to feel her sight hitting my back through her room window a lot of times. Not only her, even Laura and James asked me several times whether I touched anything from the vault. But I was not ready to take the blame. So, I replied as a no, every single time.

JACOB: What happened next?

AGNES: After Margaret's funeral I went to Laura's farm.


AGNES: Laura, I'm anxious. I know that the mansion is not as beautiful at night as it looks in the daytime. The way Mrs.Williams died is unexplainable.[anxiously] Is it because of me? Which means Is she really what she is in the town people's minds?

LAURA: Mistress is not exactly what people are thinking Mrs.Smith. She's not a witch nor a demon or any kind of evil person. She is a paranormal investigator who works for the church with Mr. Wilson. She was just using her gift for goodwill. But yes, she's still a person full of mysteries.

AGNES: [Thinking of her children] Is there any particular reason for those rules you told me that day?

LAURA: I don't know why. But I know what will happen if we don't follow the rules. The previous housekeeper crossed the rules and went inside the vault expecting jewels. On the very next day, her whole family was found dead in the woods. Just like Mrs.Williams. This time you went inside but I don't understand why the mistress ended up this way. [Laying a hand on her shoulder] Agnes, protect yourself and your daughters. Think about them and make a wise decision.

Soon Agnes left Laura farm thinking deeply about what she said. She went straight to her cabin and told her daughters, "Pack your things" and she started packing the luggage. After a few minutes, the telephone in the cabin rang. Agnes went forward and picked it up.

PATRICK: Mrs.Smith, meet me at my office in the mansion.

Agnes thought for a second, got prepared and went inside the mansion. She knocked on the door of Mr.Williams office.

PATRICK: Come in Mrs.Smith.

She went inside and sat on the chair after Mr.Williams asked her to.

PATRICK: How are your children doing?

AGNES: They are fine.

PATRICK: Okay. Let me come straight to the point. I know this sounds weird. But, I'm willing to marry you if you are fine with it.

AGNES: What? [She shocked]

PATRICK: Only if you are fine with it. I know whatever happened here on a very few days of your work startled you so much. You might also be worried about your daughters. So do I. Margaret was been a very bad influence on this manor and also on my daughter Violet. She took the most dangerous routes of her life and dragged everyone into it. [Exhaled] I'm the one to blame for all of this, for not seeing anything but money. After this loss, I've realized that I can give my child a better mother. At Least now.

AGNES: [Thought for a second] But..

PATRICK: I'm gonna close the gates of this mansion forever. Nobody's gonna set foot inside this place until the end of the world. Not even a single thing that belongs to Margaret and this mansion is gonna cross the doors of this place. I'll give you my word. I have another small and normal house in town.

Let's go and live there like a normal family.


"A part of me was saying not to say yes. But I couldn't imagine my children crying for food once again. So, I said yes. That marriage was a mere contract. He wanted someone to take care of his daughter like a mother. And all I ever wanted was a father for my children who earns money and fulfils their needs and deeds. Just like he promised, he locked the manor and five of us shifted to this farm house and never went back. Evelyn and Maisie were so happy and cheerful with their new lifestyle. Patrick kept his role but I couldn't. I tried so hard but Violet never accepted me as her mother. As the days passed, Patrick became close to us but the distance between him and Violet just increased day by day. She stopped seeing us. She used to spend days in her room with the door locked. One day, she started going out. I felt happy that she's trying to get normal. After a few days, I've realized that it became regular."


Violet came into the house after completely being soaked in the rain. Agnes saw her, brought a towel, "Oh dear, why are you out in the rain?", she asked.

AGNES: [wiping her head with the towel] I've noticed you going out everyday. Are you seeing anyone lately?

VIOLET: Yes. Mommy [she smiled]

AGNES: [Shocked] Sweetie, I understand you. But you're not supposed to go there. It's not safe. Okay?


"I kept an eye on her so that she can't go to the manor anymore. Eventually she stopped trying as well. One day passing by her room , I heard her talking to someone and slowly opened the door, but nobody's in there. She's just

talking by herself to the thin air."


AGNES: Violet. Are you okay?


AGNES: What were you talking about?

VIOLET: We're just planning how to ruin your lives.


"As the days passed, she acted as a crazier person than before. She continued talking to herself, used to draw and scribble on the walls of her room. Patrick and I tried a lot to talk to her. But she never heard us. He was fed up and waited for her to get over it by herself. A year passed, Violet's behaviour didn't get better but worse. I conceived another child and we all were so happy except Violet. I couldn't wait any longer, so One day when Violet was in her bathroom, I sneaked into her room and found that book under her pillow.

Patrick kept all his promises but only one he said, that he'll leave every single thing that belongs to the manor and Margaret behind the doors of the mansion until the end of the world. On that day I realized that Violet was carrying all those things inside her till that day. Later, I showed that book to Patrick, we thought this might be the reason why Violet still couldn't get over her mother. So, we both burnt it to ashes. In the very morning, I got a call from Williams' office that

Patrick's found dead in his chamber."

AGNES: [Clicks the tongue] Well you see. How foolishly we ended up, thinking that leaving things behind and burning things up can really make the path safe and clear. But not.

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