Chapter Three

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Bessie's POV

Once I heard the screaming, I froze when really, I should have ran. But, I stood there like a idiot watching all hell break loose in there until all of the customers came out panicking and running. May came out after, "Why are you guys running! This is fun!" she called out to them. She had her back turned to me. I stared at her for a couple of seconds, before I went to walk away from this incident...

"Hey! Where are you going, babe? Come inside!"

"No, I'd rather not, May." I told her. "Why not?" she asked me, her voice getting a little louder. Shit, she was walking up to me. I then turned around, meeting her face to face. "What the bloody hell..." I found myself saying out loud as May had blood on her lips and chin. And in the corners of her lips, were her long canines...but I knew they weren't called that. It looked like fangs. I looked at her eyes for a single second, and they weren't human. She  wasn't human...

She licked her lips, trying to get rid of it. Then, she grabbed my hand and started to take me with her back inside of the bar. On the floor, was my boss. Petra was sat on the stool, staring down at her with a wicked smile on her face. I was glad that I wasn't really squeamish otherwise I would be throwing up. "What's her name?" Petra asked me, looking up. Fucking hell, her eyes weren't human either. They were red!

"Victoria." I told her. Why was I even cooperating with this crazy freak?

"Well, Victoria will be one of us. She will wake up in 3...2...1..."

And she woke up...brilliant...just brilliant.

I watched her sit up, then stood up. She had red eyes too. Shit. I was seriously in danger here and there was nothing I could do about it apart from running but May will bring me back...

"Victoria? A...are you okay?" I asked her. "Bessie...has anyone told you that you smell absolutely amazing?" she replied. "Nu uh! She's mine!" May immediately came to my defence. "Yeah, you can't feed from her. Go out and find someone else." Petra gave her a order and she did exactly that.  And then it was just me, May and this freak. 

Petra then gave me a look before she said;

"Let's go home now."

"Home? I got a home!" I cried.

"Yes, you do. With us."

"No! I am not going to be kidnapped by my girlfriend and a freak!"

"Girlfriend and a freak? One good word and one bad word. That's going to be a punishment."

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