Chapter Thirteen

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Bessie's POV

"Yeah, so? It's a club and a bar." she told me, before she grabbed my hand and we walked inside together. Victoria saw me and waved behind the bar. "It's nice to have you here again, Bessie." Victoria said to me, before Petra asked her this, "Is the room ready?" 

"Of course it is. You know where it is, since you made it." she replied. "Thank you." Petra said before she wrapped her arm around my waist and started to lead me upstairs to our room. "Did you know that this building used to be a mini hotel?" she asked me, opening the door. "Not at all." I replied, widening my eyes at the reddest room I have ever seen. In the middle, was a large  bed, shaped as a heart. "I made the rooms completely sound proof." she told me. "I am not doing it here. Why can't we do it back at home?" I asked her, "And be interrupted by your girlfriend?" Petra asked, while locking the door. 

Then, she turned around and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me. "You look really beautiful in this room." she purred. Shit...this was going to be difficult. I bit my lip, my stomach getting butterflies. Then, she placed her lips against mine, making me give in immediately. I let out a soft moan, and then things started to get heated...

Petra pulled away to take off her jacket and black tank top, leaving her topless before she pressed her lips against mine again passionately. I couldn't keep up with her, she was really going for it. I then understood why she wanted to come here. She wanted to make passionate love with me. 

She then picked me up and took me over to the bed, placing me down carefully and pulled away from the kiss, giving me some sexy eye contact. Her hands made their way to my buttoned top, unbuttoning it and slid it off. "I've been holding it in for too long." she told me.

"Yeah, you have. And that's okay." I told her. She then smiled, pressing her lips against mine again.

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