Chapter Twenty-One

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// Surprise! Chapter twenty one! To save the intensity and the upset, I decided to time skip. <3 <3

Bessie's POV

I woke up to only lock eyes with Petra, causing me to jump a bit. Her black eyes were horrifying. "Your punishment is over now, my love. Do you have anything to say to me?" she asked me, "I'm sorry and I love you." I replied, "I'm sorry for using the wrong words." I added. "Apology accepted." she told me before she leaned forward to kiss me, but I moved back and accidentally woke up Maya who wrapped her arms around me and kept me in place. Then suddenly, she sank her fangs into me and they were a lot sharper than before, like needles. No...

I let out a soft moan as she began to feed on me. She was like Petra...

I then let out a louder moan as the pleasure kicked in. A minute later, she pulled away. I turned around to look at her, widening my eyes a little. I was right. She was like Petra. "Kiss us, babe." she told me. I immediately placed my lips against Maya's. The kissing battle then commenced as it was a fight for dominance.  I climbed on top of Maya, winning. Until all of a sudden, she pinned me down on the bed. "Maya wins." Petra chuckled. "Close though." 

I watched Maya pull away, getting comfortable on me as she moved against me, causing me to tilt my head back. I looked over to Petra, who was licking her lips at me. "Come here." I told her, before she went over to me and placed her lips against mine. 

I was in for a long day of lust...

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