Chapter Eight

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Bessie's POV

I moved away from them as they were getting passionate, letting out a sigh as I walked upstairs and into the spare bedroom. What if that was a sign that this 'blood moon' was coming? To investigate, I decided to go back downstairs to immediately see Petra lifting her head up to look at me. "Hi." I said, "Hi. Want to join us?" she asked me. "No, I'd rather not. It would feel wrong. I am just wondering what the signs are to this blood moon." I replied. 

"Glossy skin and change in behaviour." she told me. "What do you mean by glossy skin?" I asked her, "Why don't you come closer and find out?" she purred, getting up from May. I took a couple of steps back, seeing that my girlfriend wasn't exactly helping me. I ended up circling around the sofa and grabbed May's arms, pulling her up and ran upstairs with her. I pushed her into the bedroom and locked the door. I turned around and went over to May, placing my hands on the sides of her cheeks, feeling some dampness on her skin...

"Snap out of it. It's not here." I told her, getting into protective mode with her. She didn't say anything, which was not good. Her eyes then changed into this scary deep purple, causing me to shake her a little bit. "Stay with me, babe. I love you, please stay with me." I told her, before she started to walk towards the exposed window. I got in front of her and grabbed the curtains, pulling them across. "I want to see it." those were her first few words. "No, babe." I said in a strict tone. 

"Now, what's the problem here?" Petra asked, in the room somehow.

"Bessie won't let me look at the moon." May replied, pointing at me. "Is that so?" Petra asked her, slowly turning her head to look at me. "Don't fucking look at me like that, danger woman." I said, "It won't end well." 

She laughed at my strong words, before she went serious. "Let your girlfriend see the moon." she ordered me. "How about, fuck you?" I asked her. I didn't care if I was pissing her off or making this situation worse. I wanted to protect May.

"I can make you feel amazing things, Bessie..."

I then stood forward, away from the window. "I don't care. Come on, babe...let's get the f...-"

May wasn't in front of me anymore, instead, she was behind me. 

And she was having a good old look at the red moon...

She turned around.

Her eyes were a glowing crimson red mixed with that deep purple.

She smirked at me.

Yep, time to run. 

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