Chapter Twelve

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Bessie's POV

Finally, things have started to calm down.

I was sitting in the dining room, eating a sandwich before Petra joined me, crossing her legs under the table. "I know everything about you now. It's kind of crazy." she started the conversation. "It's crazy that you got two lovers." I told her, which made her chuckle a little. "Yeah, that's very true. I never thought I would get so lucky." she said, before I finished my sandwich and moved the plate to the side, wanting to chat with Petra more, you know, getting to know her better.

"Is it really that rare?" I asked her, she nodded. "Two percent chance." 

Two percent chance? Wow...she really was lucky. "Anyway, I think we should go out to your work place. The bar." she told me, "Why?" I asked her, getting a little bit nervous about seeing Victoria again. "I have been a little bit busy with the place, changed things up a little and I want you to see it." she replied. I let out a small sigh, thinking about what to say next. "Okay. We'll go. Can Maya come?" I asked, "I want it to be just us, sorry." she replied. 

"Will she be..."

"I talked to her and she said that it was fine, as long as I bring you back in one piece." she told me. I nodded, before I got up and went to hear from Maya herself. I walked into the living room to see her laying on the sofa, "You can go with her, babe. I don't mind." she said. Alright then. Looks like I will be going to the bar. 

So, I went upstairs to get myself ready and wore a nice red buttoned shirt with a pair of black jeans. I then joined Petra again, and off to the bar we went.

"Don't freak out." Petra told me as we were coming up to my work place...

She changed everything. The name, the seats, the fucking staff rooms, absolutely everything. I stared at her for a good long couple of minutes, I then spoke;

"What the actual FUCK have you done? It's no longer a fucking bar, it's a CLUB!"  

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