Chapter Sixteen

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Bessie's POV

I was being fed strawberries on the bed by Maya, her beautiful purple glowing eyes watching me. "If you need anymore food, just let me know. I don't want you to starve during this." she told me. I nodded, leaning forward and pressed my lips against hers. We shared a passionate kiss, before she pulled away, placing her hand against my warm cheek. "Me and Petra have got something amazing planned for you later." she decided to tell me.

"Like what?" I asked her, "Don't be worried about it, babe. You are in our safe hands." she replied. "I know. I'm not worried, just a little bit excited." I told her before I kissed her again. "Good." she said before she laid me down slowly and laid down beside me. Her cold fingers started to lightly draw on invisible shapes on my stomach, causing me to arch my back. She chuckled, knowing that I was ticklish. "I love you too much." Maya told me, "That is a good thing, loving me too much." I told her back, before I felt her fingers go towards my sensitive inner thighs. "When I first became a vampire, my first thought was you." she said, "I wanted to show you my powers and my new skills..." she then said with a purr. Then, she leaned her head down and softly kissed my stomach. 

Suddenly, she stopped and pulled away.

"May?" I asked her, "What's wrong?" 

She didn't reply, which turned that excitement into straight up fear. I sat up, before the lights turned off and there was nothing but pitch darkness. Then, the bathroom door opened to reveal Petra. Something inside of me then snapped, causing me to wake up from their spell. "Don't even go near me." I told Petra, realising that I was next to Maya. And she was one of them. I then got up from the bed and looked down at the floor as I made my way slowly towards the bedroom door to escape. Luckily, the door was unlocked so I escaped quite easily and ran downstairs, heading into the living room and grabbed some pillows to throw at either Maya or Petra. I'll throw it at the first vampire that comes down those stairs.

I then felt the sofa with my legs and sat down...until I felt a pair of cold hands touch my shoulders and laid me against her. I closed my eyes shut, knowing that it was Maya that I accidentally sat on. "We will make you feel good, babe. But, you need to relax, okay?" she asked me. Then, I felt her start to kiss my neck softly, nuzzling my neck a few times too. I arched my back against Maya, trying my hardest to resist the pleasure. I still had the pillows in my hand, but that wasn't going to be any use. As Maya was kissing my neck, she grabbed the pillows from my hand and placed them on the floor. 

"Bessie, Bessie, Bessie..." Petra tutted, feeling her presence. Then, she took me from Maya and carried me upstairs and back into the bedroom. "Open your eyes for us. We won't harm you. We will give you the best time ever..." she purred, and then I opened them. I was looking at the wall, but my neck was exposed to her. 

I turned my head to stare at the ceiling instead, but Petra easily climbed on top of me and pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her back, before she pulled away and chuckled. "I got you now." she whispered, seeing her fangs. Shit, they were long...

I placed my hand against her cheek, watching her grab my wrist and kissed it. I looked over to Maya, who was watching from a very small distance. 

"Who do you want first?" Petra asked me. 

"Maya. Come here." I replied, and I watched Maya crawl onto the bed and kissed me deeply and passionately. 

This was going to be hard and also fun...

// It's coming, don't worry. 

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