Chapter Five

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// It's coming, don't worry...

Bessie's POV

I saw her fangs in the corner of my eye, causing me to use all of my energy and power to push her away. It was a success as she was then on the floor, but not for long as she got back on the bed and exposed her fangs at me. I widened my eyes, almost close to screaming at the top of my lungs. She became my nightmare. Her fangs were pearl white and deadly, and her eyes were a crimson hungry red. She wasn't my Maya. Not anymore. I began to crawl away from her, forgetting that I was on the bed until I felt the edge of it. "I'm craving for something sweet, babe. You." she purred before she crawled on top of me and took off her vest that she was wearing. Shit...this was about to get messy real quick if I don't stop her. 

I placed my hands on her shoulders again, getting ready to battle my way out of here again until I saw her eyes change to purple. I released my grip on her shoulders, dropping my arms as if I was a ragdoll and felt her cold hand touch the back of my neck, lifting me up and placed my chin on her neck. She moved my medium length blonde hair and kissed the side of my cheek, near my ear. "I need to feed again, babe. I hope you don't mind..." she whispered to me, before I felt her fangs sink into me. Then, I snapped back to myself again...but it was too late. 

I let out a soft moan, feeling her drink from me. Her gulps were oddly the cutest thing I've ever heard, but feeling my blood go out of my neck was painful but that was replaced with the weirdest pleasure I have ever felt. Her cold hands then went under my work shirt, which was buttoned but not for long as she was already undoing them, but in her own way as the buttons began dropping onto our laps. A few seconds later, she pulled her fangs out and licked the bite mark. 

"Mine." she told me that I was hers. "I have always been yours and you have always been mine." I told her back. "Even though you are not my Maya, I will get used to the new version of you." I added, hoping that she wouldn't get too offended.

But, she didn't as she pressed her lips against mine deeply. I knew this game...

Oh wait...I had already lost it as she was kissing all over my bare body...

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