Chapter Four

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Bessie's POV

Punishment? Oh please. She couldn't punish me. She wasn't the fucking police. "Want to say anything else to me?" Petra asked me, "Nope." I told her. She then walked over to me and grabbed my arm, before I could do anything, I was in her house with May behind me. "Lock her in the spare bedroom, darling. She needs time to calm down first." Petra ordered my girlfriend to do her bidding, and she did exactly that. "What have you done to her!" I shouted at Petra as May was taking me upstairs. 

She then shoved me into the spare bedroom, giving me a small look before she closed the black wooden door and locked it by turning the lock that was attached to it. I then turned around and went over to the bed, laying down on it, acting as if I lived here. I needed to get through to May. I had to. I closed my eyes, getting some rest for a while until I was allowed to leave. 

A couple of hours later, I felt a small tap on my shoulder which made me stir awake. 

"It's time for breakfast, babe." May told me. "Just leave me here to starve. I'm not going downstairs to be all friendly with that bitch." I told her back. "Okay, then how about you eat here and I keep you company?" she offered me. I then turned onto my back, "Second option." I said. May nodded, quickly getting up from the bed to go downstairs. A few seconds later, she returned with a fruit salad and some apple juice. I took the bowl from her and immediately began filling myself up. "She isn't a bad..." I cut my girlfriend off by placing my dry finger on her lips while I was still eating. 

She kissed my finger, and moved my hand so that I was stroking her cheek with my thumb. She was cold. Her body temperature wasn't normal. She was dead but still alive in some weird way. A few minutes later, I moved the bowl away from me and took the small apple juice box, opening it with one hand and drank it in one go. 

"Let's go now." I told her. 

"Go?" she asked, "Why?" 

"I know you aren't human, but I can look after you and get the things that you need to survive." I replied, "This isn't our home." I added. Please...

"Can we not go?" she asked me. No...

I bit my lip, trying to not cry in front of her because she hated me being upset. I had to be strong.

"Also, I got all of the things that I need." she told me. 

"Which is?" I asked her, before she leaned forward and placed her lips against mine. I kissed her back, moving in closer to her so our bodies would touch. Her lips then left mine, but they were heading down to my neck...

I immediately started to push her away, but she wasn't moving. 

"I got given a gift, babe. I got you, and I got Petra. And now...I'm going to bite you."

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