Chapter Seventeen

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Bessie's POV

I let out a small moan as I was making out with May, a chill going down my spine as she wrapped her arm around my waist and swapped our positions, so that I was on top of her. I pulled away to get some oxygen in my lungs. I was breathing heavily, and so was May. "Beautiful." May complimented me. "You are beautiful, too." I complimented her back, until I started to resist the spell again. I placed my hands on the sides of my head, groaning. I closed my eyes shut as soon as I saw May sitting up. 

She moved my arms down, wrapping them around her waist and pushed my head down so that my head was now resting on her bare shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked me, but the question was more directed at Petra. "She's strong, and that's good. Really good." Petra replied. I groaned again, before I lifted my head up and turned to look at Petra. "Can I take care of her?" Petra asked May, and she nodded. 

From behind, Petra wrapped her arms around me and started to kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan, the pain in my head was slowly going away. May didn't want to leave, she was watching me, whatever was happening. 

"Can I give you the gift?" Petra offered me, "Bite me." I told her, "Finish me off." 

"Finish you off? No, we don't do that here. No giving up entirely. But...judging from your reply, I think it's best we should leave it for another blood moon. You look nearly dead." she said, before she got in front of me and bit into her own wrist. Immediately, I grabbed her wrist and began to lick her blood, before I started to drink a little from her. "I'm sorry for putting pressure on you, my love. I didn't realise humans were so fragile." she apologised. 

I then pulled away, feeling a bit better but still felt like I was almost dead from the pain in my head. "She's going to faint." May warned Petra. And I did.

The last few words I heard before I was fully out, were this;

"You will wake up anew. I hope you can forgive me, my love." 

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