Mixed mistakes

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Just for reference.

Eiram Marie.

I know it might not be the best name out there, ( apologies for the people reading that are named this, I actually think it's pretty) but I think it will suffice.

For those who are wondering, Eiram will be pronounced with a long "e" like bee, and the "r" will be rolled a bit. If you don't like it, you can always switch it up in your head.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter.☺


    It has been about two hours since Eiram brought the hybrids home, however, there seemed to be only silence in the overly spacious house. The only things the small girl could pick up besides the normal sounds outside, was an occasional scuffle and light thump that might have been caused by Izuku.
He did not have the same problem of exploring and making himself at home apparently, but he was very quiet and polite about it.

      So meanwhile, as she was waiting for anything to happen, she spread all the folders that Hana had given her on her desk. Pushing all her writing and sketching supplies aside to read through all the papers of information regarding the hybrids health, medical history, triggers for aggression or panic, and so on. She had to say, the things she researched and read was quite interesting. One of them being that, feline related hybrids were, a lot of times, mildly lactose intolerant. While k-9 related hybrids had absolutely no problem with chocolate and onions, unless it affected their human side.

Like she said, interesting.

      By this time it was about four p.m. Izuku was nowhere to be seen in the room Eiram was currently in, and the sun was just beginning to show hints of it's weariness in the diming sky. The information on one of the papers said that everyone ate somewhere around nine and ten in the morning.

      "Would they be hungry now? I should probably ask." She thought, begrudgingly getting up from her chair and walked through the house to see if she could find Izuku, seeing as he was her best bet when it came to communication.

      "Izuku?" She called gently, poking her head in each room that was downstairs, not bothering to look upstairs yet. When she found him, he was hopping out of the mud room, his nose twitching and his ears swiveling around when he heard Eriam's quiet footsteps. The little bunny lifted his head tilting it a bit and raised to sit on his hind legs.

"Oh, there you are." Eiram mumbled. Izuku blinked. The girl stared at him for a few moments, mind going blank.

      "I uh, I wanted to know if any of you were hungry or something?" She asked.
The hybrids nose twitched and he quickly turned shuffling through the open doorway to the garage, leaving Eiram alone.

"Okay?" After a few minutes of waiting, Izuku came back merrily to the small females feet.

      "Are they hungry?" She asked again assuming he went to ask for her. Izuku shook his head then he placed his two paws on his fluffy chest gesturing to himself.

"But you are?" He nodded.

      "Oh, Okay. Then how about we find something for you, sound good?"
Izuku nodded again enthusiastically, his tail wiggling.

      Eiram hummed and walked to her kitchen opening her fridge to see if she could find anything the bunny would like, only to see it was filled with different varieties of food and energy drinks piled on top of each other.

      "Oh wow, I guess Leah restocked the fridge while I was asleep. I'll call and thank her later." Eiram sighed as she rummaged through all the different food and placed them on the counter next to her.

To Gain Trust From a Stranger Hybrid AU BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now