Mall Experience part 2

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      Hello hello dear hoomans!! I hope you're day/ night is going well so far, and if it isn't then maybe this new chapter will help you cheer up!^^ Enjoy!


     Three hours and twenty-five minutes. That's how long Eiram and the others have been inside the cursed mall. Well, cursed in her opinion.

      "Miss Eiram! Can we please get this?" Denki practicality squealed while Eijiro was following quickly behind him. Denki then held up a pair of headphones that had yellow and black designs on it.

      "Um, sure, and please, you don't need to say 'Miss' to address me. Just plain Eiram is fine." The young woman replied, eyeing the set of headphones and looking around to see if she could find a pair for herself. Katsuki was standing near the headphone displays but only seemed to be waiting for them.
      When the three approached him, Eiram was just about to ask if he wanted a pair when a low, rumbling sound came from her right where Ejiro was standing. Denki tensed and Katsuki squared his shoulders while Eijiro was standing in a frozen state, his eyes widened in slight shock and horror.

      "Did you just- did you just growl at me?!?" The wolf growled back, flattening his ears, baring his canines and getting nose to nose with the other hybrid.
      Eijiro began to back up with his hands raised to create some sort of barrier.

      "Wh-what? No, of course not man! I would never, could never! Well, technically I could, but that's not the point right now."
     Eiram looked nervously at the two, then at Denki who looked rather pale, and then to the other hybrids. Specifically the older ones who were watching intently at the scene unfolding, Shota himself looked ready to jump in if the two were to strike. What was happening?

      "Then what was that?" Katsuki questioned, his body was still defensive and still walked towards the King Shepherd.

      "Nothing! It was nothing! Do you really think I would challenge you anytime and in a store no less?" Katsuki stopped his movements and looked at the red head skeptically his eyes narrowing.

      "It's happened before, not in a store but it still happened. I'd rather that not be repeated." Eijiro blinked then a sheepish smile creeped on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

      "Ahaha, that honestly wasn't my fault dude, you started that. And besides, I didn't know you as well back then."

      "Hmph! Not like you could beat me anyway." The wolf hybrid grumped, his shoulders relaxing a bit and his hands stopped curling in a clawed form.

      "Hah? But I did once!" Eijiro smiled, happy to get his friend off his case.

      "That was your first and your last time ever beating me!" Denki sighed in relief and gave a nervous chuckle. Eiram blinked for a few moments before piping up.

      "Well then, what was the sound you made Eijiro?" The said male looked confused and then flushed pink in embarrassment.

      "Erm, well, that was my, uh, my stomach. Sorry."

      "Oh. Are you hungry?"

      "I am!" Denki chirped, his tail swishing happily. Katsuki gave him a stern look that the fox ignored.

      "Okay then, there's a few restaurants and fast food places down a few levels if you would like to go there." Eiram pointed to the escalatorsteps, and stairs next to them. She didn't want to go inside an elevator fearing the room would be too small and personal space wouldnt be available. She also didn't want them so split up seeing as there were some hybrids who were new and unsure about this whole adventure.

      "Really?! Yay let's go!" Denki gushed, swinging around on his heel and looping his arm with Eijiro's quickly half-dragging him towards the stairs. Eiram huffed and motioned to the others that they were heading to the lower level, them understanding almost immediately.

      "Where we headed?" Hizashi asked once he reached the girl with a slight trot. 

     "Denki is hungry, and a few of you might be as well so we are going down to eat." 

     "Oh, nice! Hey Sho, you hungry yet?" The tall blonde yelled over to the said male, making the other look around nervously as he made his way over quickly. 

     "Don't draw attention to us you obnoxious bird!" He grumbled, "That woman has been following us enough already, we don't need another person watching us."

     "What? Who's watching us?" Eiram asked quickly, turning sharply around to face the two, her anxiety spiking. Izuku, who was a few steps ahead of Eiram immediately felt and smelled the change in the small girl's mood. Her calm and smooth peach scent changed into a scent akin to the smell of rotting apples. He back-tracked a bit and gently grabbed her elbow, rubbing small circles with his thumb uncontiously. 

     "Miss Eiram?" His soft voice asked as his emerald orbs looked at the other hybrids. 

      "Who is watching us?" The brunette asked again, her eyes began to search the surounding area. 

      "No one!" Hizashi said cheerfully as he almost agressively slung his arm around his companions shoulders, "This grumpy cat is just paranoid, he's always like that. No worries young mistress." The Maine coon tensed slightly at Hizashi's roughness, and gave him a disapproving look in protest. 

      "Okay, if you say so. If anything is bothering you please tell me though, okay?" The curly headed girl turned and walked in the direction of the others and left the three hybrids. Hizashi waved his hand at Izuku to follow her, and he did as he was told a bit reluctantly. The cardinal turned then to the raven haired man.

      "Shota!" He whispered harshly, "You're gonna scare her!"

      "I was saying the truth! Why didn't you tell her?" The other male hissed back, his eyes turning a red-ish hue.

      "Because it's not a problem right now! It's not like that person is in our personal space, chill."

      "She's looking at me weird! I hate that and she's following us. Don't tell me what to do." Shota snarled shoving the blonde's hand off his shoulder and stomped off to the rest of the pack. Hizashi sighed and headed in the same direction as well.

     'That person isn't even near us, I don't see why he's so paranoid about it!'

      "Everything alright?" A slightly loud voice asked behind him. Hizashi looked up to see Keigo looking at him, he must've seen the two talking.

      "Yeah yeah, it's fine.  Nothing to be concerned about."

      "Mm, okay." The hawk shugged.

      "Okay, this is a buffet. Um, what's that again?" Denki asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

      "Don't ask me." Hitoshi mumbled, looking just as confused.

Okay, I finally wrote this chapter! I'm sorry for not writing as much, I had writers block and some difficulties irl for a while. Lol, but I'm glad I got some done!^^ Also, sorry if this chapter is too short.
     I hope you enjoyed this chapter though and I will try to write more often. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

      Thanks for reading and have a good/evening!!! 😊

To Gain Trust From a Stranger Hybrid AU BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now