Chapter 18 Good Advice

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Hey fans. Sorry I took so long with this update. Between writer's block and my birthday, I was stumped. Sorry! But, here it is!

Chapter 18 Good Advice


“You need to fire her Angela! She is no longer of any use to you!” Greta hissed this in my mother’s ear. Mom was violently shaking her head in protest. Greta was the only person that could make my mom into a weak person. Mom stood abruptly.

“No Greta! I am finished taking petty orders from you! Jessie is a smart girl who can cook better than any of your plain chefs. Now, you can either accept that fact or turn in your scarf.” All of the women that were watching this argument stood gaping at mom. I was proud of her. Greta had been controlling my mother for too long.

“What are you saying, Angela? Are you kicking me out of the Society?” Greta sounded hurt that her own protégé would do this to her.

“Yes. Please turn in the scarf and pendant.” Mom stood her ground and held her arms out. Gretta didn’t make eye contact as she unwrapped the scarf around her neck and placed it reluctantly into mom’s hands. Then, as if someone was holding a gun to her head, Gretta slowly removed the ruby red scarf pendant from her white sweater and handed it to mom. Gretta snatched her purse off the couch and left the house silently. I turned to my mother who had a stony look on her face. Whispers erupted around the room and I heard small pieces of each of the conversations.

“Perfectly suited”, “molded for the job”, “just what we need”

            I turned towards mom and smiled. I rose up the pendant so the women would know I was about to do something important.

“All those in favor of Angela Radford becoming the newest chairperson for the Red Scarf Society, please say aye.” I loudly said this with a tone of confidence. There was an explosion of “aye” across the room before I nodded my head once and carefully placed the pendant on my mother’s scarf. She was smiling and thanking everyone soon after that. I took my que and left the living room. I was headed upstairs until I heard a deep male voice from in the kitchen. Turning around, I forged through the swinging door between the dining room and the kitchen before halting in my tracks. 

            Standing in front of me was a scene I thought I would never have to worry about unfolding. That is, until now. Before me stood my father and the three younger boys all huddled around the island.

“What in the hell do you think you are doing here?” I growled this at the man across the kitchen from me. He stood up straight in surprise and looked over to me.

“Mikey? Boy have you grown up.” The man smiled charmingly and came around the island. He threw his arms around me in a bear hug that used to comfort me. Now, I stood stock still as he embraced me. I’m sure it was like hugging a brick wall.

“Answer my question, Pete.” I used a formal voice, but still had the edge  added in.

“I came to see how my boys were doing.” He said this with a smile. It was his way of elbowing his way into our business before asking either a giant favor or a place to stay the night.

“Bull. You came to beg for somewhere to stay because Clara kicked you out again. What was it this time? Booze, drugs, women?” I harshly accused him the same way I did when he left us.

“Mikey, you know me better than that.” Pete backed away quickly and gracefully placed a hand over his chest where his heart is. The boys were simply standing back watching this encounter. They were probably confused on how to respond.

“No, Pete, I don’t think I do.” I began pushing the boys upstairs. “Y’all go to Ross’ room. I will be there in a minute.” Ross nodded his head and took over the authoritative position.

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