Chapter 4 A Weird Love Triangle

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Heyy! Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. It has been CRAZY around my house! Anyway, I hope yall are still tagging along on this little adventure. This chapter adds a new POV. We get to see Will's thoughts and ideas about Jessie. Hope yall enjoy! Don't forget to vote! Thx!

*chapter 4- A Weird Love Triangle*

I spent most of the afternoon avoiding Michael in my room. Around five o'clock I went down stairs to begin making dinner. The house was silent. I assumed the boys were at football practice and Angela was still in her office. I had filled most of my afternoon with calls to my mom and dad, my best friend Jackie, and my little brother, John.

By the time I had the meatballs marinating, Michael came into the kitchen searching for his keys. After five full minutes of turning my kitchen upside down and avoiding me, he finally found them in his left hand (my idea). He then hurriedly left to pick up the boys from practice.

Another hour went by and I had the meatballs in the oven, the pudding cups in the fridge, and the spagetti noodles on the stove boiling. Ross, Mets, and Will had come in for a snack. Thankfully, I had made an Oreo Cream Pie too. Will was still sitting at the island watching me cook after Ross and Mets left to get cleaned up.

"So, how long have you been out of college?" His random question almost seemed like he was prodding, but I let it go.

"A year." My simple answer made his eyebrows raise in suspision.

"What did you study?" I smiled at his open curiousness.

"I studied standard culinary arts for two years and then baking and pastriesfor two more years." I loves talking about food; even if it was slightly off subject.

"So, why are you a personal chef instead of working in a bakery or something?" Will's questions just kept coming but I didn't have the heart to tell him to stop.

"It is because I would much rather work work with a family everyday than have to make bread and run a register all day." I answered this honestly and hoped the rapid fire would end soon.

"Oh, well I like your desserts best." He smiled then winked and quickly climbed off of the stool to go join his brothers in cleaning up and setting the table.

As soon as Will was gone, Michael appeared.

"Is it true?" I hadn't even heard him come in, so I was startled by his appearance. We hadn't spoken since lunch and we both had things to discuss with each other. His normal blue jeans and ironed polo was replaced with a pair of white shorts and an old wrinkled t-shirt. He definitely looked cuter in shorts and a shirt.

"Is what true?" I asked, completely caught off-gaurd by his question.

"What you said about working for a family everyday instead of being behind a register." Michael's voice seemed very serious, so I decided not to make a joke it off.

"Yeah. Although I would rather work for my own family than someone else's, but I'm taking what I can get." I said this and he left the room without so much as a goodbye.

*Michael's P.O.V.*

What was I thinking? Why did I have to ask Jessie if she was telling the truth? Now, without a doubt, there were feelings formulating. She called for dinner only a half an hour later but even then it seemed too soon to face her again.

Jessie had gone the extra mile and made our plates for us. As we sat down to eat, she placed a big bowl of salad and six bowls next to it on the table.

"Umm...Miss Jessie, we don't eat salad." Ross said this staring at the big bowl as if he expected it to get up and start dancing.

"Speak for yourself, I love salad." Will and I said this at the exact same time. Mom was already dishing out her own bowl too.

"Mets, do you not like salad either?" Jessie asked this, giving an innocent look. She seemed a little disappointed when he shook his head and started shoveling the spaghetti into his mouth.

"Jessie, are these meatballs homemade?" Mother sounded genuinely surprised while staring at the meat in front of her.

"Yes ma'am." Was all that woman said and she was back to daintily eating her own salad.

The rest of dinner went by quickly with simple conversations asking about each other's day. I could hardly focus on my own food for watching Jessie as she carefully cut each meatball into fourths and then would only eat the forkful if it had the correct meatball to sauce to noodle ratio. Will and I argued over who would help her clean the table. Although, Jessie seemed to be doing s good job clearing it herself without arguing as my mother stated calmly.

What was up with Will? Why is he so persistent to help out now? First, he offers to pick up the football equiptment from practice, knowing he will be the last one to get his snack. Then, he argues with me about who is going to help out Jessie clear the table. Maybe he hit his head? I honestly just don't know when it comes to that boy.

*Will's P.O.V.*

I watched as Jessie pulled her long brown hair together, spun it around a few times, then pinned it up out of the way. I could feel the itch in my fingers to know what her even toned neck would feel like. I resisted the very strong urge to spin a stray wisp of hair around my finger and tuck it neatly behind her ear.

"So Will, what classes are you taking this year?" She asked me this, pulling the remaining slices of Oreo Cream Pie and the pudding cups out of the fridge. I was in the kitchen helping her get dessert ready to be eaten in the family room. Mom had insisted on watching a movie on the big screen since it was Monday night. Maybe I could sit next to Jessie on the couch.

"Physical science, tenth grade literature, math 2, and worl history." I watched as a smile lit up her beautiful face.

"So basically, cycles, Shakespeare, confusing algebra, and the World Wars." She gave a slight smirk at her own cleverness and I laughed.

"Precisely." I tried to advert my eyes when she let a teasing smile escape her pink lips.

"Will! Mom needs you!" Of course, right when we start having a good laugh Michael is calling me away.

*Jessie's P.O.V.*

Get rid of one and another appears. The same principle for problems also work for the Radford boys. As soon as Michael called Will into the family room, he comes into the kitchen to help me carry the desserts into the other room.

"So, what have been doing since college?" Michael's question came as we exited the kitchen and walked towards the family room.

"Well, I have been a grill chef and a sous chef. Neither one was what I dreamed of doing, so I didn't stay." I said this as we entered the family room. There were two full size leather couches, and two leather relcliners. All of the furniture was black including the coffee table in the middle of the room. Michael lead me to the table and helped me set down the tray after setting down his own.

"Okay, we picked a movie." Will said this this picking up a cup of my pudding creation. He stood stock still in the middle of room holding the case in the air and grinning like a little boy at me. I looked behind Will to see Ross and Mets with their noses stuck in their phones and snickering at their younger brother's excitement. They were sitting together on one couch while Michael had plopped down on the opposite couch. I turned to my right to see Angela rubbing her temples and sitting in one of the recliners. I was skeptical about intruding on their family movie night, so I started to walk back towards the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked this and sent a mischevious smirk my way.

"If you must know, into the kitchen to wash the dishes and then up to my room." I saw his face begin to form an almost hidden pout. Was the man who kissed me really pouting? I couldn't believe it, so I looked over to where Angela was watching our conversation. I caught her eye and asked silently if staying was okay with her. She slowly nodded her head and pointed to the only seat open next to Michael since Will had taken the last recliner. This sudden change in behavior had me stumped. Why were the younger boys watching me with deer in the head lights look?

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