Chapter 8 Intruding

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Lunch came and went. Michael ate in his office and Will ate in bed. After washing dishes, I went up to my room and decided I would call Jackie, my best friend. On the first ring, she answered cheerily.  

"Hello?" I knew she was dieing to know the latest about Michael.  

"Hey, no new advances on the home front." Jackie giggled like a teenager at the pun I used.  

"Okay, well, did you advance any?" I could tell she was smiling as she said this.  

"Heck yeah! I almost got to kiss him, and I got to feed him pie until we were interrupted." She gasped at these words and then broke into a brand new fit of girly giggles.  

"What did he do?" She asked this and I could imagine her raising her eyebrows at whatever dirty thought she had conjured up.  

"He got mad at Will who was the one to interrupt us." Jackie was silent.  

"Which one is that again?" She could never keep up with who was who.  

"He is the sophomore with a crush on me." I heard a very loud gasp.  

"Do you like him back?" I could tell she was one hundred percent serious and I face-palmed myself. 

"Yes, because I'm secretly a pedophile and want to go to jail." This time it wasn't giggles, it was full out laughter. I heard someone in the background and assumed it was Mike, Jackie's long time boyfriend.  

"Tell Mikey-poo I said hi." Jackie giggled at my nickname for him. He was like an older, annoying, brother. 

"He says hi back, but I have to run. We are taking a ballroom dancing class together." I smile at how cute they are.

After hanging up with Jackie, I made my way over to the window that over looked the back yard. I saw Michael outside training Ross and Mets for football. I watched for a few minutes as Michael would laugh at one of his brothers or tackle one. There seemed to be a constant smile on his face when he was playing football.

Deciding to take a shower before the boys came in, I drug my feet into my bathroom and flipped the knob for the water. After a full minute of waiting, nothing came out. I threw my hands on my hips before spinning on my heels to make a formal complaint to my boss.  

"Angela? My shower won't turn on and I need to take one before dinner." I said this to the woman who was sitting at her desk doing paperwork.  

"I will tell Michael or Cleatus so they can fix it, but use the boys' bathroom until then." She waved her hand in a dismissive way and didn't even make eye contact with me.

Finding no clean towels in my bathroom, I decided to use one of the several in the other bathroom. I knew I needed to make this shower snappy so the wouldn't find me in here.

(Michael's p.o.v.)

Racing to the stairs, I had already called the shower first. I snatched my cothes off of my bed before storming down the hall and into the bathroom. The running water didn't even register in my brain until I saw Jessie standing in the shower in all her glory soaping up her hair. She hadn't noticed me yet and when I tried to leave, it felt as thought my feet were cemented to the ground. My eyes couldn't help but rake over her wet naked body. From her long brown hair that was covered in little white soap suds, to her closed eyes that were flickering behind her eyelids, to her perky supple breasts that were calling out to me. She was even more beautiful than Aphrodite her-

My thoughts were cut off by a shrill, girly scream.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Obviously she had finally noticed me. I smashed my eyes shut at the last second. I heard her yell, "What the hell are you doing in here?!?" All of a sudden my feet regained movement and I stumbled out of the bathroom, knocking over things as I went.

"Umm-Uh-sor-sorry-I-" I was cut off my my own hand slamming the door shut in my own face.

Opening my eyes, I saw all Ross gawking at me. I saw the expression on his face, he was just as stunned as me.

The Radford Boys [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora