Chapter 6 Bad News and Grocery Shopping

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A/n: sorry i haven't posted in like forever!!! School has been crazy! But here is an update! I hope ya'll like it!


*Chapter 6 Bad News and Grocery Shopping*

(Angela's P.O.V.)

The meeting was an hour long. The two men who sat across from me were easily half my age. Neither one could balance a checkbook, much less can a financial section of their company. That is why they hired me. I was their calculator, and now, it seemed as though nothing new was happening, but inside, I knew these two men were here for their account balance. I always dreaded giving bad news, and this was no different.

"Mr. Simon, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, sir, but you're account is negative by two thousand dollars." I mentally cringed when I saw the man's eyes get wide, then he started to choke on his water. It must have went down the wrong pipe. I dialed a bank consultant that I had been friends with for years. He came into the office and talked with Mr. Simon and his associate about their options. The longer the banker, Nigel, talked the more tired I became. Finally, when the meeting hit the two hour mark, I left the men in my office with an, "I have another meeting, but please feel free to stay in my office." I hurried from the room, telling my secretary to hold my calls that I would be going to lunch.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I slung open my phone and dialed a number I had come to memorize.

"Hey, it's Angela. What are you doing for lunch?"

Half an hour later I was sitting across from a petite blond whose high-pitched voice was beginning to irritate me. We were sitting at a restaurant on the corner of the city.

"So, how have you been doing?" Gabby asked this smiling and using an extra high pitched voice and I visibly cringed.

"Good until I got home yesterday from my lunch with the girls." I watched as her body stiffened and her face slightly paled.

"Really? What happened?" Gabby said this with guilt written all over her face.

"Well, my new cook Jessie told me that you dropped by." My tone was patronizing and I knew it.

"What?!? Now Angela, you know I would never do something like that." Gabby 's forehead got a glossy sheen to it, she picked at the sleeve on her shirt and adverted her eyes to look around the cafe. She was probably trying to come up with a quick escape if this lunch meeting went to hell.

"Do I? I don't believe I do know that." I leaned forward and motioned for her to do the same.

"Gabriella, if I hear of you even driving by our house, you won't have to worry about whether I believe you or not. Six feet under you won't care." I used the most stern voice I had, and tried to put venom in it too.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Gabby stuttered thia and quickly picked up her Coach purse to scurry off.

"Have a wonderful day, darling!" I called this over to her on the curb and raised my hand with a smile. Now, lets just hope she takes a hint.

(Jessie's P.O.V.)

After breakfast, I cleaned the dishes and then made a quick escape to my car before Michael pulled up in the family S.U.V..

"Where are you going?" He got out of the car and walked over to my rust bucket automobile.

"To the store. Your mother gave me some money to get groceries while she was gone today." I had to squint up into the sun to see the man looming over me.

"Mind some company?" Michael asked this and didn't even wait for an answer before he opened the driver's door.

"What are you doing?" My question was basically null-void as he pulled me out of my car with one swift tug and yanked open the passenger's door on the black bulky S.U.V..

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