Chapter 23 Freedom

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Hey, I'm wrapping up this story to start a new one. One week after the final chapter is posted, I am taking this story down. Please, read this while you can. 

Chapter 23 Freedom 


            After Angela kicked Michael and I out of the house, we drove to the nearest hotel to spend the night. However, he was banned from taking the family SUV so we used my run down car. I still hadn’t gotten around to getting a new one.

“Michael, what are we going to do? You don’t have a job, I don’t have a job, and we are expecting a child in eight months and one week.” I ran a wary hand through my hair before glancing over to Michael who was driving.

“I bought us a house. I used the money out of my trust fund to buy it all at once. Mom can’t touch that house. It is ours, and first thing after we get our things from the house tomorrow, I will take you to see it.” He smiled that charming smile of his and turned into the parking lot for Ramada.

            Michael got us a third floor room that had the perfect view of the night life in the city. We walked next door to the shop-all store and bought bathing suits. When we returned, we quickly changed into our new suits and went down stairs to the indoor pool.

“Jes, someone left their scuba mask at the bottom of the pool. You want to use it?” I don’t know how he knows about my weakness of chlorine to my eyes and nose.

“Sure.” I dove into the pool to retrieve the mask. As I came up for air, I saw that Michael had already gotten in the pool.

            We swam around until a woman came in to tell us that she was closing up the pool room and gym. She set out towels and informed us that she would be back in five minutes to lock the doors. It seemed as though all of the pressure from earlier in the day was gone. It was just us for once. There weren’t teenage boys demanding or an uppity woman overbearing. It was only Michael and I.


            Jessie and I woke up the next morning with a dawning realization. We both had a lot to do before the baby came. We also had a lot to do before we could even consider a wedding. Jessie’s phone started ringing before we could talk about what we were going to do.

“Hello?” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before smiling from ear to ear.

“Who is it?” I whispered this, hoping whoever was on the phone couldn’t hear me. She covered the mouthpiece and mouthed “Mom”. I was assuming it was her mother because my mother would never make her smile like that. I gave her an ‘ahh’ face before jumping in the shower to get ready for our very long day.

            An hour later we were driving over to my house to pack up our things. She was laughing about an advertisement she saw on the back of a truck.

“So what did your mom say?” I asked her this nonchalantly, hoping to not start a fight.

“She wants us to come over tonight for dinner. I told her we would be there around seven. Is that okay?” She had her eyebrows raised in question, but she knew I couldn’t argue with her.

“That is perfectly fine as long as I can still show you the house we bought.” I smiled as said this while taking her hand in mine. I caressed the back of her hand and gently flipped it over, gently rubbing my thumb over her palm before kissing it. She giggled and placed her free hand over her stomach.

“Of course you can.” She smiled bright but soon lost it when we pulled into the driveway for the house.

“It’s just to get our things. No one will even be here.” I patted her leg with an endearing look before opening my door to get out.

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