Chapter 2 Breakfast with the Boys

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***Chapter 2 Breakfast with the Boys***

 Friday, Angela showed me around the house and introduced me to Cleatus, the handyman. He is an older man who seemed slightly hard of hearing and his snow white hair was brushing his silver eyebrows. If I had not known any better, I would have thought he was Andy Griffith in the second coming. they were identical down to their face structure.

Saturday I spent the day moving box after box into my third story room. There were two windows that looked out over the private pond and the backyard football field. Thankfully, my room came with its own bathroom, so I do not have to share with the boys. 

Sunday I made myself familiar wiht the house. I explored every hallway i could. The boys' rooms had their names painted on the doors. Mets had his name painted with flames all around it. Ross' name was painted with an artistic hand, putting swirls like from Starry Night by Van Gogh around it. Will's door was covered with a wallpaper type film that showcased different books that I assumed were his favorite. Lastly, Michael's name was decorated with styrofoam football stick-ons. These were four completely different boys. 

Monday morning came and I still had not heard or seen the boys. I assumed they would be late to breakfast, but I did not let that delay me. I woke promptly at five a.m. and went straight to the kitchen to begin cooking. I busied myself with beginning to cook. I made toast and coffee to start with, then prepared myself for making chocolate chip waffles. I wanted this to be perfect. 

Breakfast was finished at exactly seven o'clock and I heard light footsteps coming down the back staircase. I assumed it was Angela, so I quickly set the table and stood next to it. I was proud that I had taken a second to add my creative touch to the napkins and silver ware. 

"Mom?" A deep throated voice came out of the back staris that lead to the kitchen. At the sound of the voice, I hurried back into the kitchen. I was eager to meet the boys. 

As soon as the swining door opened, I cursed myself for not getting dressed. Looking me up and down was an attractive man about my age. I assumed it was Michael. 

"Who are you?" He asked this stopping after the bottom step. 

"Jes-" I was cut off by Michael. "Oh wait, let me guess. You are one of Ross' new 'adventures'? I knew he liked older women but damn." He said this drawing out the negative curse word and rolling his eyes. 

"No, actually-" I was cut off again by Angela saying, "She is the new cook, Michael, be nice." Her voice was stern, but in a motherly way. 

"Jessie? Is breakfast ready?" Her voice became strictly business when she turned to look at me. "Darling, in the Radford household, you must dress before coming down to breakfast. I will let it pass this time, but no man should see a woman without her makeup on." I noticed that she was wearing beige dress pants and a lilac color blouse. She ushered Michael and I into the dining room where the other boys were sitting at the table nearly bouncing off the walls in anticipation for breakfast. 

"Jessie, this is Ross, Mets, and William." Angela said this pointing to the twins on one side of the table, and Will sitting next to Michael. Angela made Michael move to the chair opposite her at the head of the table and had me sit next to Will. 

"Mom, you didn't introduce her to Michael." Will said this and his deep voice was slightly higher than Michael's but not by much. 

"They already met, Will, mind your own business." Ross said this taking his mother's hand for prayer. 

"Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful breakfast and please keep us safe while eating it," Michael's words hurt a little as I peaked over to him to see his eyes laying dead on me, "Amen." There was a shuffle around the table as we dropped hands, but Michael still stared at me. I ignored him the best I could without being rude. 

"So, Jessie, how old are you?" Mets asked this question and the other boys' eyebrows raised in suspicion. 

"You know Mets, it's not very nice to ask a lady how old she is." I attempted to sneak my way out of that one. 

"How old are you?" This time it was from Angela, so I couldn't say no. 

"Twenty-two." I tried to look happy about it, but I think I just came off as having a sugar high. 

"Wow. Did you graduate from our highschool?" Will seemed really curious, and enthusiastic at the same time. 

"Yup. Do any of you play football?" I asked this, hoping to cease the 20 questions game. 

"Yeah, we all do. Even Michael used to play." Mets said, like Michael was old. 

"Hey, I still train you, you know." He said this taking Mets' head under his arm and ruffling his hair. 

"Alright boys, finish your breakfast so Michael can take you to school." Angela remained straight-face, and slowly ate her egg white, scrambled, with whole wheat toast. I had never seen people eat so much! 

After Michael and the boys left, it toko me an hour and a half to wash the dishes. Then I got started on a menu for the week. Hoping to get on Angela's good side, I started with homemade meals that I knew the boys would like. I was liking the idea of a pork roast when Michael came into the kitchen. 

"Hi there. Can I get you something?" I asked nicely and hoped he would at least attempt to apologize for his rudeness for insulting me this morning. 

"I was just coming to get a cup of coffee before I headed into my office." His lips curled into a smirk and walked slowly over to where I was standing. He leaned his head forward a little, and I could feel tingles in whole body at how close we were. Was I supposed to feel this way when an attractive man I worked for was standing this close to me? No-. 

I didn't get to finish my thought because he cleared his throat and said, "Excuse me, you are blocking the coffee pot." Comprehending what he said, I jumped sideways, happy to be out of his way. After he filled his cup, he turned to go into his office only to spin on his heel to face me.

"I'm sorry about being rude to you this morning." He didn't even wait for me to respond. He left the kitchen, walking into his office down the hall.  

By lunchtime, I had finished the menu for the next two weeks and had made a simple soup with grilled cheese. I walked down the hallway and knocked on Angela's office door. I barely heard her say, "Come in!" but I trudged in anyway. 

"I have finished preparing lunch. Would you like it in here or at the table?" I tried to seem hardworking and quiet, but I think I just came off as shy. 

"Oh! Well, you really should have told me you were making lunch. I have the Red Scarf Society Lunch today. They are only on Mondays and Thursdays. Sorry, dear." She sounded genuinely sorry, but the smirk on her face said otherwise. 

"Okay, well what about Michael?" I was clinging onto straws here, hoping I hadn't just wasted an hour of cooking.

"Michael works through lunch. I would be surprised if he got another cup of coffee." Angela had a very dissmissive tone, so I bid her goodbye and instead knocked on Michael's office door. I heard a grumble that sounded like, "come in" so I proceeded. 

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but i made lunch and I was wondering if you wanted some." I watched as that cute smirk rose to his pink lips and I couldn't stop myself from wishing we could be close again. 

"Yeah, how about we eat at the island in the kitchen?" His kind response shocked me because it was completely the opposite of the way he looked. I was expecting crude at the least. 

"O-okay" I stumbled to get these words out, then backed out of his office. He was obviously playing this back and forth game to mess with me. 

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