Chapter 1 Jessie's Dream Job

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Hi! This is my very first story on Wattpad! I hope you guys like it! Please fan me! oh, and voting is good too:) 

*** Chapter 1 Jessie's Dream Job ***

"Jessie! You are fired!" These three words were my newest enemies. I had only been dreading them since my boss, Louie, started yelling them at me. I was working the grill at the Corner Cafe and cringed as an oven mitt came flying across the small kitchen. I was standing facing the stove, avoiding turning around because i knew the whole restaurant would be staring at me. 

Louie has this major problem with tardiness. I had only been tardy three times, all because I had been in job interviews. How could I tell Louie that i was looking for another job? Simple. "Louie, I was at job interviews . Please, just give me another shot." The last part of my sentence came out as a plea. This just happened to be a very good paying part time job. I was still short on my monthly bills, so I was looking for another job to compensate. 

"Jessie, I don't care if your mother was in the hospital dieing, this is a restaurant and I need a reliable cook. You just aren't cutting it, hon." Louie's harsh southern words make my anger boil up. Not caring about all of the old society biddies who were now whispering, I lost my temper. 

"You know what Louie? Out of all of my bosses, you have to be the least understanding. That's okay though, because I have an amazing lead for my dream job, so you, sir, can suck it!" I yelled this, untieng my apron and slinging it onto the grimy floor. Even though the last half of my rage was a flat out lie, I didn't let it show. I walked quickly out of the cafe and stopped when I got to the brick section if the wall. Carefully placing my hands on the wall, I slowly crept down it until my bottom was on the cement sidewalk. I pulled my legs up to my chest, willing tears not to come in such a public place. What had I just done? Was it too late to walk back in there and beg on my knees for my job back? Yes, I couldn't possibly get on my hands and knees on that nasty floor. 

I felt numb and couldn't bring myself to look up to the owner of the feet that were standing in front of me. I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't hear this woman click-clacking up to me. She was probably here to tell me I was wrong for being so mean to Louie, that he is just commonly misunderstood. Commonly misunderstood my-. 

"Are you Jessie?" The owner of the feet talked to me and I forced myself to at least look up at the woman. She was obviously from the table of the older woman's society luncheon. She had striking blue eyes and chin length silver hair. Her makeup was simple, yet it outlined her beautiful face. She looked to be in her early fifties and the full look in her eyes showed she has lived a very ful life.

"Yes ma'am." I slowly got to my feet and brushed off my butt.

"Look, I saw what happened in there." She stopped there and I mentally cringed. This could be worse than I thought. She proceeded, "I disagree with the way he handled that situation. His loss is my gain though." The woman stopped talking and I slowly processed this. Wait, she not only agreed with me, but what was this about her 'gain'? 

The woman looked expectantly at me so I said, "Okay..." drawing out the last syllable.

"I would like to offer you a job. I am beginning to get to the age where household chores are just too much for my feeble self. I am in need of a personal chef and also a part time maid." My eyebrows rose at the woman's proposition. She didn't know anything about me, yet she wanted to give me a job.

"I don't know. There are a lot of things I would need to consider first." As soon as I said this, I wished I could take it back. Was I really thinking of turning this woman down? Here is my dream job (becoming a personal chef) being handed to me by some woman in four inch stilettos and a mask of makeup covering her face. 

"Go ahead and ask." The woman smiled politely and sat down at a nearby outside table. I joined her and placed my hands, folded together, on the table.

"Well, what is your name?" My question seemed like a good one to me, but the woman began laughing and it made me think of all those kid movies I would watch when I was younger. You know, the ones where the witch always does that evil laugh? 

"Angela Radford. And yours is Jessie...?" Angela let her quesiton trail off and looked at me expectantly. 

"Long. Jessie Long." I tried not to think of the way James Bond says his name in movies, but it was very hard. 

"More questions?" Angela's question was a very good reminder of what we had been talking about. 

"Yes, do you have any kids?" I knew it was sensible to ask this because I didn't want to deal with someone else's bratty kids. 

"Four boys. One is already grown, but still lives at home, Michael. The other three are in high school. The twins are juniors, Ross and Mets, and Will is a sophomore." Angela looked full to the brim of pride in her sons. She waged a long finger at me, "Now don't get any ideas with Michael, he just got out of a horrible marriage." Her advice wouldn't be needed, because I wasn't about to fall in love. 

"Right. Also, what would I be expected to do?" My eyebrows arched as she sat up even straighter and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"You will be expected to make three meals a day, including a snack if my sons or I ask for it. You will also need to wash the dishes, do grocery shopping, and cook for various parties." Angela kept steady eye contact until one of her society friends walked by and greeted her. 

"Okay, and where will I stay? I am renting a house here in town, but I can get out of the lease if I need to." My question made Angela go almost completely rigid if she wasn't already. 

"You will have to move in with us. The only empty room is upstairs on the third floor. It is already furnished so you can just store your things in a shed just outside of town." Angela looked at me with stern eyes and I knew instantly that she was a mother lion and the warning glare she sent me told me not to even think about messing with her baby cubs.

"That's okay. One last thing, when do I start?" I smiled and hoped it seemed genuine. She replied coolly with, "Monday. You can move your things in this weekend. The boys are going to their friends houses and Michael will be away on business. Monday morning I expect breakfast on the table at seven a.m." 

These simple words ended our discussion and she gave a "You are dismissed" look. I took it as my chance to get while the getting was good. Not only  did I have to pack my house, but i had to have a very long discussion with my Realtor. 

Michael...hmm. I wonder what he does for a living. 


Hi again! I hope you liked the first chapter. Sorry it is not that romancy right now. It picks up, I promise! I just needed y'all to know the jist of the story. Have a good day! oh, and remember, please fan and vote! thanks! 

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