Chapter 10 Revenge is Evil

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*Chapter 10 Revenge is Evil*

I was tugging a t-shirt over my head when I heard footsteps and the familiar sound of creaking old wooden floors. Walking to the door, I slowly pulled it open to reveal a tanned, tight, retreating back. There were clear water droplets on his back and arms. His muscles were taught with surprise as he stood stock still waiting for me to say something.

I gave a low wolf whistle and watched as he slowly turned to look at me. The shock and surprise was still apparent on his face and glowing in his eyes. I sashayed over to him, stopping just an inch or two from his body. I could smell his body wash and felt it attack my senses. I lifted my right index finger to his shoulder where I slowly drug it down over his pecs, feeling his tight abs under my fingertip.I had to resist the urge to rake my whole hand over his wet chest. As my finger strayed lower, I felt him shudder and intake a very deep breath. I let a sly smile creep onto my lips as my finger brushed against the towel. I looked into his eyes as I used a two-finger grip to yank the towel from his waist. Just like I did, he stood there stunned for a moment while I took the chance to look him over. He had perfectly chisled abs, tanned, just-wide-enough hips that curved down to where his true perfection was standing erect. I giggled a little before grabbing my clothes off the floor and gripping the towel a little tighter in my hand while running back into my room. I slammed the door shut and slumped down to the floor against it just as I heard a girly squeal and pounding feet on the stairs.

:/  :/   :/   :/   A/n: *giggles under breath* Uh oh!!! hehe:) *disappears like a ninja*

Michael's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Jessie just did that to me. I didn't think she was capable of revenge to this magnitude. I was sorely embarassed that she saw me naked, and double on the fact that my lower half was standng at attention for her. Dinner would be awkward.

Jessie's P.O.V.

An hour later and I was still crouched on the floor with my back against the door. I was silently cursing myself for what I did. He might have deserved it, but that was besides the point. I heard a light knock on the door and collected my self enough to stand and open it. There, infront of me, was Ross. He looked genuinely worried with just a hint of anger.

"Ross..." I trailed off mostly because I hadn't been expecting him to be at the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" He pointed in the room towards my window bench.

"Yeah, sure." I moved out of the way so he could come in. He brushed by me, looking around my room before turning to face me. He crossed his arms over his chest in a "let's get down to business" way.

"You like him." This wasn't a question, he was stating this. I couldn't muster an words, so I just nodded my head.

"He likes you." It took a second for my brain to register what he was saying. Wait, he likes me?

"Really? They why did he just embarass me in the hallway?" My anger was boiling and I wanted to yell, but not at Ross.

"Because after walking in on you in the shower, he had to do something to show that he was still in control of himself." At this, I was confused, so I gave Ross a questioning glare. he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't get it either." He walked to my door and opened it before turning around. "I told you that so you wouldn't be too terribly mad at him." Ross smiled walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

I sank to my bed in thought but seeing my alarm clock saying that it was already four thiry, I jumped up and ran down the stairs to the kitchen where my steak package and potatos were already waiting on me.


Michael's P.O.V.

Around sic o'clock there was a loud rapping on my door. Still hating myseld for what I did to Jessie, but even more mad at her for what she did to me, I slowly opened the door. Riss was standing with his arms crossed and a mean glare on his face.

"What do you want?" I stared right back at him. I wasn't too sure that I wanted to mess with him though. He had almost a toxic air about him.

"Jessie said that dinner is ready." He still stood there watching me as I nedded my head.

"She likes you, Michael, don't hurt her." There was something menacing about his tone that I didn't dare argue with. He nodded his head curtly then turned and stalked out of the room. I took two deep breaths and followed behind him. Joy oh flipping Joy.


A/N: Hey guys! I lied in my last update, i told y'all it would only be two chapters that I uploaded tonight. I was wrong. I just felt in such a good mood that I had to upload everything tonight! I LOVE YOU!!! AND YOU! AND You!!! *awkward silence when I realized there is only one read on this update* Anywho. *whistles and looks away* I have final exams next week, so I may not update. PLEASE don't be mad! I promise to do another multiple uploads next weekend. I know this is a very long A/n but thanks for reading!

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