Chapter 19 A Sabbatical

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A/N: Heyy guys! Two uploads in two days! Hala! There is BIG news coming soon in the story! Don't forget to check in in the next few days to find out the news!:D 

Chapter 19 A Sabbatical 

            I was sitting in the kitchen on a bar stool with Ross sitting next to me. Mets and Will were in the middle of cleaning the rooms that the society women had occupied. My head was in my hands and Ross was attempting to comfort me about my mistake of an argument with Jessie. All of a sudden, Ross went silent and cleared his throat before wolf whistling. Curiously, I looked up to see Jessie standing at the bottom of the stairs. She had on a tight fitting beige dress that hugged her beautiful curves. She was also wearing a modest pair of beige heels that clicked with every step. I realized she was walking towards the refrigerator.

“What are you doing?” I asked her this bluntly before actually hearing my words. I clenched my teeth in anger at myself.

“I’m about to make dinner before I go out with my friend Jackie. Do I need permission for the night off?” She asked this with her back to me. I could feel her eyes rolling.

“No, I was just curious.” I stood up from the stool and walked over to her. She was leaned against the counter pulling her apron off of the hook around the edge of the counter. I let my body take control as I settled myself flush against her. I felt her take in a deep breath before pushing away from the counter and me.

“Sir, I would appreciate it if you would please not do that. This is strictly a business relationship.” She flipped the strap over her head and tied the ribbons in a perfect bow in the back. My knees went weak when she pulled her hair out from under the ribbons and I caught a whiff of her perfume. She smelled like cotton candy and roses. How was that possible? My body craved to have her again.

“Cut the bull, Jessie!” I yelled this and instantly felt Ross’ hands pulling me back to the island.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Mr. Radford.” Jessie snapped her head to look me in the eyes for the first time. Deep inside, I saw the hurt and pain etched into her beautiful eyes.  My heart sank at the knowledge that I was the one to cause her so much pain.

Ross let me go and I took that instant to quickly walk over to Jessie. Her body tensed at the closeness of us. I pecked her cheek and looked into her eyes.

“I love you Jessie.” I swiftly turned around right as the first tear fell down my cheek. She didn’t need to see me like this. I ran upstairs, but noticed Ross did not follow.


            The stereo in my car blasted Gravity by Sara Bareillis as I drove into the city. It had been on replay for the last half an hour and I was belting out the words. Jackie had convinced me to drive into the city for a girl’s night out. She was hoping to take me to a few bars and get the whole story of Michael and me out of me. However, I will probably ruin those plans with my blubbering self. Michael still loved me. How could he still love me when he said something so hateful to me just so short of a time ago? I was thoroughly confused by the signals he was sending.

“Jessie?” I was at Jackie’s front door, holding a bottle of unopened whiskey and a small smile on my face.

“Jacks. I need you.” She opened her arms and pulled me tight into a bear hug. She brought me over to her black suede couch and sat me down.

“Mike is out with some of the guys tonight. It is just me and you. Let me get some glasses and some snacks before we start the story.” She quickly stood up and made her way into the kitchen. When she returned, she plopped onto the couch with a grin on her face.

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