Chapter 11 A Phone Call

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A/N: Heyy guys! I know I said I wouldn't upload for a little while but I got this chapter finished last night and just couldn't wait to share!  Alright, I hope y'all like it:)

*Chapter 11 A Phone Call* (Jessie's P.O.V.)

            Besides an awkward silence that hung around throughout dinner, it seemed to go pretty well. The day had been excruciatingly long and I was ready to go to bed. I finished washing dishes and quickly retreated to my room. The day had been nothing but filled with Michael. He had gone from being sweet and irresistible to being an arrogant jerk and ending up a guy who had mental problems. I heard the song “All of Me” by Michael Buble and knew my phone was ringing. I happened to have a fascination with anything Buble including ringtones. I rushed over to where it lay on the window seat. I sat down with one foot under my butt and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” There was a slight hesitation, then an echo of what I said. A grumble. I assumed

“Hello? Jessie?” My father’s voice was scattered between static.

“Dad? Where are you?” My question was replied to with a grumble. I assumed he and mom were on their way to the store in the dead zone area.

“Honey, what are you doing tomorrow night?” My dad asked this and I could hear my mom saying something in the background.

“Your mother wants you to come over for a barbecue.” Dad sounded slightly agitated and I could tell this was a set up.

“Bring a date!” Mother’s words were yelled into my ear and I winced in pain while pulling the phone away.

“Mom,” I groaned but gave in. “Okay, what time?” I heard a cheer from my mother but dad was the one to give me a true answer.

“Seven, but come early. Bye baby girl.” Dad said this and I could hear the excitement in his voice.

“Alright, bye dad, I love you.” I smiled mostly to myself before hanging up the phone.

            I watched the sun set from the window bench and thought carefully about what I was going to do. Surely Michael would laugh at me if I asked him to be my date. On the other hand, it wouldn’t hurt to ask him.

            Padding down the stairs barefoot, I could feel where the floor had been walked on so much that there were shallow ruts worn in. I reached Michael’s door to see that it was cracked a little. I stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of Will’s voice.

“Michael, sure I like Jessie, but I know when something is unrealistic. That will never happen.” He sounded like he was sad and probably a twitch of nervousness at telling Michael about his crush on me.

“Good. I don’t want to see you get your hopes up just to be let down.” I stiffened at the sound of Michael’s voice. Obviously he had not told his brother his feelings for me.

“Okay, thanks Michael. You’re a good brother.” I heard the creak in Michael’s bed as Will stood up and walked towards where I was standing. Quickly, I ran down the hall and dodged into Ross’ room, shutting the door. Turning around, I saw Ross laying in his bed drawing in a notebook. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows and an expectant look.

“How can I help you Ms. Long?” Ross sounded formal and snapped his sketchbook closed.

“I just was checking on you.” I peeked through the crack in the door to see Will had left Michael’s room.

“Nice chat, see you later.” I rushed these words out of my mouth and slammed his door shut behind me.

            Stalking over to Michael’s door, I took a second to calm my breathing before I hyperventilated. I knocked loudly.

“Ye-“ Michael cut his own words short when he saw me at his door.

“I need to ask you a favor.” I easily squeezed by him to maneuver in to his room.

“After everything that happened today, you want to ask me a favor?” He said this with a patronizing tone.

“Yes. Look, I know we hate each other right now, nut I just need this one small thing.” I used pleading eyes with him and I could see his resolve melting away.

“Fine, what do you want?” He had a dismissive tone and I know he got that from Angela.

“I need a date to my parents’ barbecue tomorrow night.” I hastily let this out, hoping he would agree to it before he fully comprehend what was going on.

“No.” Michael had a scowl on his face. No pity for a woman with a problem?

“Fine.” I had already wounded my ego enough for one day, no need to beg.     

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