Chapter 9 A Change of Heart

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*Chapter 9 A Change of Heart*

Freezing cold and embarassed. Those four words were pulsing through my brain as I quickly rinsed the soap from my hair before turning off the water and wrapping a red towel around myself. I was shocked from Michael barging in on my shower, but mostly embarassed that he stood there staring at me. In my excitement of getting a shower, I had completely forgotten a change of clothes in my room. I was forced to gather my dirty clothes and slowly opened the door. Peeking around the corner, I saw that the hallway was empty. I slung the door open and make a mad dash for the stairs. Before I could get there though, Michael stepped out in front of me. I attempted to stop, but instead went face first into into his rock hard chest. I lost my balance and felt my butt hit the hardwood floor.

"Jessie, I'm so sorry." Michael looked sincere, but just in a second his eyes flashed the ego of a confident man.

"You're wearing my towel." He said this with a cocky smirk and I felt my whole body go stiff at his tone. It was low and husky and i breifly looked up to see his eyes had darkened in desire. I was officially afraid of what would happen next.

"Y-Yes. I a-am." I tripped over my own words as I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. I stood up, careful not to reveal anything he hadn;t already seen yet.

"Well you won't be for long." As if in slow motion, he reached up and snatched at the edge of the towel, sending it to where his hands were ready to throw it over his shoulder. I stood there for a second in shock until I realized I was standing in the main hallway squeling like a little girl. I threw my right arm over my breasts and my left hand to my lower region. I saw that he had a grin the size of Texas on his face and was laughing so hard he was shuddering. I didn't fail to see the bulge in his pants as I dashed around him and shot up the stairs. My clothes were still spred out on the second floor.

Michael's P.O.V.

What was I thinking? How could I have been so mean and crude to Jessie? Everytime I was near her my heart beat would quicken, my palms would sweat, and my mouth would become dry. It was like she exuded a certain pheramone that my body involuntarily reacted to. I was stilli in the hallway with the red towel squeezed tight in my hands. She had looked absolutely shocked by my awful actoins.

"Michael? What happened?" Ross was standing in his doorway with his eyebrows raised. I didn't take the time to answer him as I scooped up Jessie's clothes and numbly walked into my room. It as only four o'clock and I knew Jessie would be busy making dinner soon. There was no need to bother her when she was working.

I barely heard the light knock on my door and somehow I managed to give a breif, "come in".

"Hey Michael, I found this in the hallway." Ross held up a black lacy bra.

"Umm, okay. Why are you telling me? I don't wear those things." I forced my thoughts away from Jessie's naked body with her stunned expression on her face.

"I figured it went with your collection of women's clothes." Ross pointed to the lump of female clothing on my bed.

"They are Jessie's. She left them in the bathroom." I snatched the bra from my brother's hand and tossed it on the bed.

"Uh-huh. Okay." Ross turned on his heel andn stalked out of the room. He looked a little mad.

>_<   >_<   >_<   >_<

I decided that before I went to return Jessie's clothes I would take a quick shower. I knew I was sweaty and smelled bad from football practice. I grabbed my towel that had been wrapped around Jessie and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I double-checked that the door was locked. There was no need for reverse rolls. I quickly followed the directions on the shampoo and body wash bottles.

Retracing my steps to my room, I saw two stacks of clothes on my bed; Jessie's and mine. I secured the towel around my waist and began folding her clothes. Even if she put them straight in the hamper, she would probably appreciate the jesture after what I did to her.

I picked up her clothes and padded barefoot up stairs to where her bedroom was. Seeing her door was closed, I bent down to place her clothes on the floor in front of it. It was only then that I realized I was only wearing a towel. It was the same one I had stolen from her bare body. I quickly stood up, but I barely got two steps awayy when I heard the door creak open.


A/N: SOrry to leave y'all hanging here! I've uploaded twice tonight! Maybe a third if you're lucky. It's been a good day so far. A couple new comments would be nice too:D Have a good week guys;)

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