Chapter 3 Lunch is Full of Surprises

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Hey guys! Here is a little change up! I'm writing in other character's P.O.V.s. Half of this chapter is in Michael's P.O.V. and the other half is in Jessie's. Please Vote!:) Have a wonderful day!!:) 


***Chapter 3 Lunch is Full of Surprises***

Michael's P.O.V. 

Lunch was steaming on the island when I walked in. Jessie smiled sweetly as I joined her on the bar stools. She had made my favorite soup, beef stew, and grilled cheese to go with it. She was quickly becoming my favorite cook. the last one my mother hired was a Hungarian maid who only made Hungarian meals. Of course, Helga, the Hungarian maid, wasn't nearly as beautiful as Jessie is, and I was twelve when she worked for us. 

"So, what do you think?" Obviously Jessie had been talking to me, but I was deep in thought I hadn't heard her. I shook my head as  I asked, "Pardon?" 

"Um, what do you think of lunch?" It seemed as though she was covering up what she had actually said but I let it go.  

"It's delicious. How did you make this?" I smiled nicely as she slumped over and ducked her head a little.

"It's just from a can." She smiled, and boy did that light up her face. She had these amazingly cute dimples that were a little lopsided. I let out a quiet laugh and she looked at me in disbelief.

"Well, that was delicious. Thank you for making it, however difficult it was, or not." A broad smile escaped my lips and she continued staring at me. What is wrong with me? Why does she keep staring like that? I stepped off the bar stool and lost my balance, pouring the soup all over the floor. the plates slipped out of my hands and clattered to the floor. Jessie continued to stare, only instead of ignoring it, I locked eyes with her. What kind of bafoon couldn't carry a plate? She broke eye contact and I could feel the slight drop of my shoulders from the rigid position they had held. Jessie jumped off her chair and snagged a rag from the opposite counter. I bent down and picked up the plate and bowl. Without looking at her, I began to stand up, only to slip on a rouge potato and fall flat on Jessie. I heard a stifled yelp and then heard her breath come out in a whoosh. i could feel an electric current between us and, for once, I didn't let my brain analyze this before I did it. I leaned down and gently brushed my lips across her pink ones. I felt the current between us rage higher, she couldn't deny feeling that kinetic energy we are creating here. Before I could stop her, she pulled away from me and I noticed she was breathing heavily. I smiled and her face twisted up in pleasure. She was liking this, but mother wouldn't. Thinking about my mom coming in and seeing us making out on the floor gave me plenty of reason for what I was about to do. I quickly jumped up and walked out of the room, only mumbling a, "sorry" as i went. 

What was I thinking? That was a stupid question, I knew exactly what I was thinking; she looked so dang cute in her Abercrombie short shorts and tightly fitted tanktop. I had only been day dreaming of her all day. Great, now I would be analyzing what happened the rest of the day. 


Jessie's P.O.V. 

What was I thinking???Did my brain take a momentary vacation??? It sure hadn't checked with me first. I tried rationalizing the kiss the best way I could while I finished cleaning up his mess. Okay, so I couldn't help staring at his handsome face, and his perfect hazel eyes were begging to have a stare down, but i hadn't planned on kissing him! On only my first day of work I was already getting into shenanigans. Thank the good Lord Angela had already left for her lunch thing and hadn't caught us making out on her kitchen floor. Not to mention I probably wouldn't have stopped kissing him even if Angela had a pry bar to get us apart. 

"Angela, darling?" An almost shrill female voice was cmoing towards me, and fast. I didn't know what to do, so I places the dishes from lunch in the sink and started the soapy water. 

"Angela?" the woman, whoever she was, was just stepping into the kitchen and stopped short when she saw me. 

"Who are you?" I looked up to see a petite blond staring at me. She looked both mad and very confused. 

"I'm Jessie, the chef." I tried to be polite, but it came out a little harsh. 

"Is Michael here?" My mouth dropped slightly and I forced myself to close it back. 

"I-I thought you were looking for Angela?" I asked, stuttering a little. 

"Oh, no. I know she is at her luncheon until two." The woman raised her eyebrows , expecting me to answer her question promptly. 

"Um, I need to know who you are first." I knew I was just stalling, but whoever she was, she obviously wasn't wanted here. 

"I'm Gabby. Angela didn't tell you I drop by sometimes? I, um, 'help out' Michael." Gabby emphasized 'help out' with air quotations and gave me a suggestive look. I couldn't believe I had kissed a guy who had a regular call girl! I bet he called her before lunch and then made a move so he wouldn't feel bad about me hearing them go at it. 

"Right, well, let me go tell Mr. Radford that you are here." I avoided eye contact with the hooker as i quickly left the kitchen to find Michael standing in the hallway. He looked confused and was pacing about a ten foot distance. 

"Jessie I need to talk to you." Michael's voice was stern as he grabbed a hold of my upper arms. 

"Michael-" I tried to stop him, but he cut me off. 

"Look, just listen to me. I know what we did was wrong-" Michael stopped his testimony short when he saw Gabby at the doorway of the kitchen. She eyed Michael's tight grip on my arms and his hands dropped like I was on fire. Michael kept facing us, but backed slowly into his office where he shut and locked the door. 

"What did you say to him servant girl?" There was a menacing tone in Gabby's voice, and I could hear the venom being spat at me through her words. When she realized I wasn't going to reply, she let out a frustrated grunt and spun on her heel, leaving me all alone in the hallway. My feet were glued to the floor. He thought what we did was wrong? I could feel my first day on this new job going to hell by the second. 

An hour later, Angela returned from lunch and instantly sought me out for answers when she saw Michael's door was locked and gospel music was playing loudly. 

"What happened?" Angela's words and her eyes were filled with worry for her first born. 

"Gabby stopped by." Her face went stony when I told her this. 

"Did she talk to him?" She almost whispered these words as her face fell blank her eyes stared into a far away distance. 

"No. He was in the hall way pacing when i went to tell him that she was here. Then when he saw her, he backed int his office and closed the door." I relayed what happened to her and hoped he would be okay. 

"Alright," as Angela turned to leave, she whipped around to look at me, "If that woman tries to come see him again and I'm not here, do whatever you have to do to keep him from seeing her." Angela's face was still blank as she went to her office and shut the door. I could barely make out the click sound of the lock being turned. 

Great, now there are two people locked in their rooms. What am I supposed to do? 


Hi there!!! Vote please? Okay, what do yall think of this story so far? Hope yall like it!:) 

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