"Time with Sanji"

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3rd POV

"We are almost at the island" Nami announced.

Luffy and Zoro are pissed watching Y/n and Sanji under the tangerine trees talking.

"Here you go Sanji Kun, say aaahhh~" Y/n happily feeds Sanji with tangerines.

"Aaahhh~," Sanji said eating the tangerine.

Sanji looked at Luffy and Zoro making an evil face, the 2 boys got even more pissed.

"Oi Sanji, aren't you being a spoiled brat?" Zoro said with a pissed face.

"Y/n, I want some tangerines too," Luffy said hugging Y/n at the back being clingy. Zoro got even more pissed.

Nami and Usopp are just watching them with a disappointed faces.

"This guy..." Nami said massaging her head.

"We need to bring back Sanji's original form..." Usopp said crossing his arms.

"Right... On our next island, there will be a village they might know something about the kid turning into an adult..." Nami sighed

"For the meantime... We need to look out for Sanji...but I guess Y/n is already doing the job." Nami said looking at Y/n.

"Here," Y/n gave Luffy a peeled tangerine, soon he let go of Y/n and ate the tangerine in one go.

"Tsk-" Zoro clicked his tongue and leave them. Deep inside he also wants a peeled tangerine from y/n.

A moment later Nami called Y/n inside to talk, leaving Sanji making Luffy and Zoro take an opportunity to take revenge

Sanji felt a deathly aura in his back, Luffy and Zoro were trying to capture Sanji and tie him hanging on the tree, Sanji Dodge Luffy and Zoro and run so that they can't catch him.

"Tsk..." Sanji clicks his tongue and hides.

Soon Y/n comes out and so does Nami.

"Guys we are almost there, once we arrive on the island make sure you won't cause any trouble. got that Luffy?" Nami said.

"Sanji Kun?" Zoro and Luffy flinched when Y/n is looking for Sanji.

"Y-y/n let's go look for food together hehe," Luffy said to Y/n

"Y-yeah, let's also look for weapons you can use for battles," Zoro said

"I would love to, but Nami asks me to keep an eye on Sanji," Y/n said looking for Sanji.

"Sanji Kun?" Y/n continue to look for Sanji

Soon Sanji showed up.

"There you are, C'mon let's go look some clothed for you, and help me grocery," Y/n said to Sanji wearing his loose clothes.

"D-date?" Sanji said blush all over his face.

"Pfftt-, sure if that's what you wanna call it," Y/n said smiling reaching for Sanji's hands.

Zoro and Luffy's mouths drop and whispered how lucky Sanji is.

Nami went to explore the village and find any information she can about the kid turning into an adult...

Usopp went on his own to buy equipment, Zoro and Luffy also went on their ways while Y/n and Sanji are together.

Sanji is holding Y/n hands as kids do to their mothers, Y/n didn't mind about it because she feel like she is taking care of someone's child.

They stopped at a clothing shop and find Sanji a kid's clothes.

"Sanji Kun, how about this?" Y/n showed the clothes to Sanji with a smile on her face.

Golden Voice - One Piece Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora