Prologue: Venturing to the Unknown

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"What are you doing here? " asked Florence as she saw Kristen in the music room.
"Well, I'm just looking at the piano " answered Kristen, playing a tune.
"Can you please play a song? " asked Florence.
"Pardon? "asked Kristen, in confusion.
"Can you play a song, please? " begged Florence.
"Why? I thought this piano belongs to you? "asked Kristen.
"It belongs to my brother. "answered Florence simply.
Kristen nodded her head and started playing La Capanella song.
After the song, Florence clapped her hands and praised Kristen for playing the piano beautifully.
"What's the song that you are playing just now? " asked Florence in curiosity.
" La Capanella. It means 'little bells ' in French. " She answered.
Just then, Legolas entered the room with a yawn.
"What's the time?"He asked. Probably he's still in his dream world.
" It's 12:30 noon. Did you sleep late last night? "asked Florence.
"I didn't see the time. Maybe. " He yawned. My, his breath stinks.
" What's Kristen up to? " He asked.
" Legolas, please drink at least a cup of water. Your breath stinks. " said Florence , pinching her nose.
Kristen wandered to a garden of dried grass and bold trees as she called them. There she spotted a flower. It looks rather strange to her.
She does not know what is the flower called. She thought it must be a waterlily or something but it is not.
"Are you a Lily or something? " asked Kristen in curiosity,poking the flower, placed it on the pond and floated away.
"That's not a waterlily. It's called Simbelmynë." said Legolas, appearing out from the blue.
"Simbelmynë? What on earth are you talking about? " She asked, blankly as she had no idea what is Legolas saying.
"That's why we must all learn elvish! " Scoffed Legolas.
" Shut up! It's not like you are the world's most intelligent living thing! " Kristen rolled her eyes.
"Hey! It's not your fault for not knowing our common tongue! " Legolas argued.
"Oh yes?! I think you are the one who's creating all this trouble, I knew it,you scalleywag! " exclaimed Kristen, 'fanning' herself with her own hand.
"Bah! Whatever! Anyway, it's your fault for not knowing elvish! " argued Legolas, sticking his tongue out with his arms crossed.
"What's wrong if we do not learn Elvish? It's not like learning Elvish makes you more intelligent! " groaned Kristen while poking his head made him took a step back.
"The debate between Legolas and Kristen never ends... WILL YOU STOP THAT?! " shouted Sabriel but they ignored her and continue to fight with words.
"Fine! I will make you married each other and that's final!!! "screamed Florence.
They both kept quiet and follow Florence. As they were checking the forest borders, the trio sense something was not right and they were chase by a pack of Orcs.
"Cliff! " warned Florence but without notice, Legolas pushed and they all fell. Kristen landed on her knees swiftly but Legolas fell on her cause her to fall onto the ground.
"That's just so great. " said Kristen.
They both recovered their strength and looked around.
"I think we fall into a great maze." said Legolas,looking around.
Kristen sighed and lean against the wall.
Hours passed and no one rescue them. They could not find Florence.
"Ugh...I hate it!" exclaimed Legolas, kicking a pebble.
"Will you stopped that and start thinking?! " shouted Kristen.
He huffed and punched on the wall.
Then, a pebble dropped onto his head and he noticed there is a path way.
"Kristen, I think I have found a way!"said Legolas.
"Thank goodness! "
They both followed the way and led them out. Finally, they were both out from it. But there is a problem they face. An unknown place they were stuck at.
They both wandered and found a city but was stopped by two guards.
"Who are you? " One demanded.
"Oh, we are passerby and we wish to stay in an inn. " said Legolas.
"What's going on here? "asked a voice.
"Your Highness. " courtesies the guards.
"Who are you? " asked the Man.
"My lord, we wished to stay in an inn. We are also searching for our beloved friend." explained Legolas.
" Oh, I saw her but she's been summoned to Lothlorien. "said the mystery man,giving the map.
"Thanks. "said Kristen.
"Allow me to provide you horses. "He gave them two horses.
Then,they both thanked him and went to Lothlorien.

A few days later, they reached and they were shocked as Lord Celeborn told them she had sailed to the Undying Lands.
Then, Lady Galadriel told Legolas that he is needed in a concil meeting in Rivendell.

The next morning, Kristen and Legolas woke up and traveled to Rivendell.
"You are not allowed to be here. You are underage. " said Legolas.
Kristen scoffed and stormed back to her room. While, on her way, she bumped onto someone.
"Hey! " exclaimed an angry voice.
Then, she was shocked.
Hey guys! I would like to thank you all for reading my first fanfic. Do comments and suggest!

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