Chapter 48

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          The soldiers were starting their training at times where Galasdir ordered the faithful loyal captain of the guard, Gladiolus,whom will be the army's commander of the main. The elven army will split into two for their accuracy and target onto the evil army. By the order of the Elvenking, they proceed their King's order and not to miss their training practice at every hour. The elves were known as they sleep when they are really lost of energy and with their eyes open(which is pretty scary and cool at the same time). 

"Use the energy and force!" ordered Gladiolus towards the soldiers. As they are lack of energy and worn off.

"Sire, do you not think that they are ready for this war?" asked Adviser Renya.

"My hopes are precisely high on them. They must be train perfectly on their formation," said Galasdir, with his hands clasped at the back and an aura of leadership surrounds him. Making him powerful.

"My lord," greeted a hooded man to him. 

"Dismiss all of you," he ordered the guards and his personal servant as well. The air he breathe in and the hooded man let go his hood. Reveal Legolas. His elder brother. With cerulean eyes he looked into his brother's eyes.

"Brother, you have come," said Galasdir. He went to Legolas and hugged him.

"Well, am I not invited to this war?" smiled Legolas.

"Brother, now. Let us tell Ada you have return. Ada misses you greatly and concern about you," said Galasdir.

"No, brother. You cannot. I must stay hidden. I know he cares for me but I cannot face him. Not now. I have come with a terrible but also great news," said Legolas, dutifully.

"What are the news?" asked Galasdir.

"The good news is that Lady Sabriel is still alive but only barely asleep. I venture into the dark place. I found her. She was terribly weaken by The One. They had absorbed her strength and now letting her to die again. She told me to tell you that during the Feast of Light, and remind you about their plans. The ring she gave to Ada is the source. The ring will call and accept the bearer. But beware that the bearer is tested whether he/she is worthy and strong to bear it's power," said Legolas.

"What of the terrible news you bring?" 

"They are speeding up their plans and The One is going to unleash His full power upon the entire world. Death will begun her feast. An alliance had brought up by Venda and the Giants of the Southern Lands. They are to hunt you and a payment of prize is a bargain to whomever have your head. They are coming. The crows and trees speaks about it. You must beware of the evil' Nature," explained Legolas.

"That is what Nadine speaks about the other day in the woods,"muttered Galasdir.

"Brother, beware. All the works of evil, you must not fall for it. If not, you will be devour like the Lady Warrior. She cannot be save anymore for he powers and strength is had been devoured and drain. She is nothing but an empty body and soul," warned Legolas. "May Valar and the stars protect you. I must go now."

"Brother, to where?" asked Galasdir.

"Home. Where I am needed there to lead our people. Farewell,brother," Legolas mounted on the horse saddle and the horse take him to the North back to Mirkwood.

     Galasdir sighed and a little discouragement planted in his heart. But the feeling had been burned up by his determination.

"Train the soldiers to perfection and follow our formation plans we had talked about," commanded Galasdir to the nearby guards.


     Days they had been trained and following up according to their plans. The troops had been send out and they decided to attack the Witch's fortress on the Day of Last Winter. Each day the soldiers trained and time passed without interruption. 

"Sire, the eagle has return. With it witness of the whole area of the Witch's fortress, they secured it high. We need to reform the plan and find a way to breech it's wall," said Smithy.

"The walls are highly secure, Galasdir. What is the next step then?" asked Kristen.

"There must be a cave or a tunnel under ground," said Prince Ethil.

"William, what do you suggest?" asked Galasdir to the ranger.

"I say we slice the guards out," said the dwarf.

"No. We must beware on planning our breach onto their walls. Who knows there are traps and so on? That we call fall into?" said Anderson, standing close by Kristen.

"I do not know. The day of Last Winter is coming and fast," said Galasdir.

"Perhaps we split up then. Signal the archers when you are being attacked," aid The Elvenking. 

"We find the body and the soul. This will only help," said William.

"Kristen, Anderson and Wizzle. All of you diguise and take the route to the towers. Watch the surroundings. William, Ethil and I will take their guards down and will find the body and the soul," ordered Galadir. "Smithy and France. Stay with my father. If you ever see a red burning arrow launched into the sky, inform him and prepare for battle. Renya, if you see the red  burning arrow had been launched, signal the archers to clear the path for us to get out."

"Yes, my lord," all obeyed his command.


   Galasdir went to the barracks to train himself. With him alone there, he had struggle within himself and the doubt of returning to life.

"You need to push yourself more, son. An act like this will you not survive in war," said his father.

"Ada, why are you here?" asked he.

"Am I not allow to have a private moment with my son?"

"No,Ada. I just need myself to be prepare," he sighed.

"Galasdir, why do you doubt? You had experience war and battles. Why the hesitation?"

"Ada, I am afraid. Afraid of losing you and the ones I love the most. I already fail the first attempt. I do not want to fail again," he broke down in tears and King Thranduil hugged his son.

"You must never doubt,Galasdir. I have seen much more worse and horrid of wars. War is indeed an unpleasant picture but as a soldiers or commander of the fleet must never doubt. Strengthen your courage and abolish the fear in you. Do not let emotions overcome you when you are in the battlefield. Show no mercy," said The King.

"Thank you, Ada. For those courageous word. If only, I had the bravery like you," 

"There is no need." he chuckled. "Now, let us train," they both unsheathed their swords and parried with each other.


AUTHOR NOTES: Sorry, guys! It has been awhile since I update this story. I hope you all like this part. Well, it seems that it is about the ending and this is the second part of the preparation of war. Thank you for waiting! And remember to read these stories: 

1) Wildest Dream by Jason 2485

2) Fading Red by Himawari_Hime

Make sure you all vote this part and I hope you all enjoy my story. I will edit the whole thing when I am done with the story!

Have a good day and night, peeps! :p

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