Chapter 17

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The next morning, Sabriel woke up and went to down for breakfast. She was curious on Galasdir's strange attitude yesterday.

"Hey, Sabriel! How is your beauty sleep? " asked Smithy.
"It went well. Thanks for the concern, Smithy. " said Sabriel,smiling.
"What are your plans, my lady?" asked Arasdir.
"I will have to discuss this matter with the captain and my assistant. " said Sabriel.

The sky on the outside turned dark and snow began to fall. It's snowing now. The wind blew strongly and the ice dropped from the sky. It is a hailstorm. The worst of the year.

"My lady, urgent news! " exclaimed the guard.
"What is it? " asked Sabriel.
"Lord Galasdir had been taken. " reported the guard.
"How did this happen? " demanded Sabriel.
"He was taking a walk around town and I followed him for his suspicious act. Suddenly, I was knock out and I woke up, he was already gone. " said the guard.
"What?! " exclaimed Kristen, Anderson, Smithy, France, Wizzle and William.
"Quiet! All of you. " said Aiden.
"What is it, Aiden? " asked Kristen.
"We are being watched." said Aiden.
"Watched? " asked France.
"By whom? " asked Smithy.
"I suggest you all to keep the noise down. There were three suspicious looking man at the corner. Eyeing our conversation." said Gladiolus.
"Pretend to talk about nothing. " said William.
"Another ghost story?" asked Wizzle softly.
"That will work. " said Kristen.
"Alright. " said Wizzle.

He stood on the table and started telling ghost stories with expression. Everyone was so mesmerized in his story and some eventually startled at the part when he said:" ARGH!"

Sabriel and William observed their surroundings and noticed that the three suspicious men leave by the time when Wizzle finished the story.

"Good job, Wizzle!" praised Smithy. Everyone in the room clapped their hands.
"That is my special talent. " chuckled Wizzle.
"William, make sure they stay. I will not let her minions take them away. " said Sabriel.
"Yes. " replied William.
"Good. I need to plan for it. How to save Galasdir and take down that monster. " said Sabriel.
"Alright. " said William.

Sabriel went up to her room and think of a strategic plan. It's been hours and her mind was blank.

"Sabriel, are you alright? " asked Kristen.
"Well, of course. I need a plan. " said Sabriel.
"You should have ask us. We will help you. I have a plan actually." said Aiden.
"What is it? " asked Sabriel.
"It's a trap that the Queen wants you. Perhaps this will work. " said Aiden.
"What is your plan? " asked Sabriel.
"The plan is simple. She knows that you are coming. So, you need to barge in. Kristen, Anderson and I will act being caught and search for Galasdir. " said Aiden.
"A diversion. " said Kristen.
"A good plan. " said Arasdir.
"I will keep the Queen busy by distracting the other palace guards. " said William. "With Wizzle. "
"Good. Gladiolus, Arasdir and I will fight with the Queen and cut her head. Too long she had sat on the throne. " said Sabriel.
"Well plan. " said Smithy.
"How about the us? " asked France.
"As for you two, try to find the key if Kristen and Anderson fight off with the guards. " said Sabriel.
"Yes! " said France.
"Good. When are we going to start? " asked Smithy.
"Tonight. " said Sabriel.


AUTHOR NOTES ; Hello people of Middle Earth, mellon nins, here is another chapter. It's short but coming up next is a battle.

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