Chapter 14

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"Shh... Someone is here!" hushed Gladiolus.

Then, William, Wizzle, Anderson, Smithy and France appeared with their horses. The guards were pointing their spears at them.
"Don't!" said Galasdir.
"Do you know them? " asked Gladiolus.
"They are the rest of the fellowship but there were eleven of us. We have seven here. " said Galasdir.
"Where is the other four? " asked Gladiolus. "Where is Sabriel? "
"We was caught by a black dragon. Sabriel ordered us to come here and she alone went to fight with the dragon. " explained Wizzle.
"And you trust her?! " exclaimed Gladiolus.
There was no respond. Gladiolus was furious and tried to calm himself down.
"Sir! We found the lady! She's wounded! " said the guard.
"Bring her in! " ordered Gladiolus.
The guards carried an unconscious Sabriel and laid her on a table. Her eyes was closed, her hair and skin was covered with blood. Her arms is wounded with her humerus(Upper arm bone) stuck out from her elbow.

"Bring me a cloth! " ordered Gladiolus.
"I will do the healing." said Galasdir.
"NO! You and your friends need to be out now! " ordered Gladiolus.
"Hey! I know the elvish cure. " said Galasdir.
"Guards, escort them out now! " ordered Gladiolus.
The guards threw them out from the tent and guarded the entrance.
"Hey! " exclaimed Wizzle.
"Let us wait. " said William.
The rest of the fellowship went to their tent and rested for the day.

"Oh my goodness! What took them so long?!" exclaimed Wizzle.
"Do you think she will be alright? " asked Smithy.
"Argh!  I don't care! I am going in! " said Galasdir, impatiently. "Galasdir, do not act like you are the only one who care for her. " said William, blocking his way using his arm. "Rest for the night. You have been here for the whole night. Without eating. Come, brothers. Let's take a break. I am sure she's fine. "

Galasdir glared at him and went with the fellowship members that been rescued.

At noon , Gladiolus and the healers came out from the tent. Galasdir and William went to them fast.
"How is she? " asked Galasdir.
"She is alright. I have fixed her upper arm bone. Hopefully, she will able to wake up soon. " said the healer.
Everyone sighed in relief.
"Oh yes, before I forget, when I help her with her arm, she keep saying a name." said the healer.
"Whose name? " asked William.
"Starting with a T? " asked the healer.
"T? That's strange. Anyway, thank you, healer. " said Gladiolus.

Galasdir sighed and sat on the chair. He was frustrated. His palm turned into a fist. His knuckles turned white.

"Are you alright? " asked France.
"It is my fault. Entirely my fault! " shouted Galasdir in anger. His fist banged the table.
"Galasdir, you do not throw your tantrum on the table! " warned William.
"William, I should have been protecting her and not leaving her alone with that demon! " exclaimed Galasdir.
"Calm down, elf. " said Anderson.
"Calm down?! Enlighten me with your reason why must I be calm in this moment? " questioned Galasdir with a icy glare. Anderson kept quiet.
"Lad, take an advice-" said Wizzle.

Galasdir glared at William and went off to the woods. Throwing stick on the site and stones into the sea,from  the cliff.

"Wow. Why this doesn't amuze me? " asked a voice. Galasdir turned and nearly fell from the cliff.
"What are you doing here? " asked Galasdir.
"To come and take you home. " said Legolas. "Father was mad at me for being so unobservant for you and the precious lady slipped off from my sight. " said Legolas.
"I can't go back. " said Galasdir.
"Why? " asked Legolas.
"I am in the fellowship of this quest. I cannot just simply walk off. " said Galasdir, groaning. "Why can't I go on an adventure? You are so lucky. You went to the quest of the First Ring. Why can't I go on the second one? Please brother, I had enough with the nobles. It's time for me to live my own and see the world. To see life itself. " said Galasdir.
"If that is you wish, bother but bare in mind that Father will be mad if he heard this. With his power, he will declare war when that precious lady rule her kingdom. There will be no treaty. " said Legolas and left.

'Oh my goodness. How am I going to solve this? ' thought Galasdir.

AUTHOR NOTES ; Greetings, my dear friends, thank you for the 300+readers. And here is another chapter! :P
P.S : The Wattpad awards is on!

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