Chapter 5: Meeting With Unexpected

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"I am sorry, Sabriel. My actual name is Galasdir. " apologized Galasdir.
"You have been lying on us. Ever since you joined this fellowship. I should not trust you. " snarled Sabriel. Legolas pointed his sword at Sabriel's neck.
"I warn you not to harm my brother." taunted Legolas. "Seized her and bring her to the dungeons and lead Prince Galasdir to the king. "

Sabriel was then tied up and brought to the dungeons. The guards threw her and locked her there. Sabriel glared at Legolas  and he gave a death stare back at her.
"Make sure she's well fed " ordered Legolas.

Sabriel then sat on the corner of the dungeons. She felt weak for the poison from the venom spread fast in her system.

A few days later, she was ill and the poison is affecting her nervous system. She could not sit up and sleep well. Helena and the fellowship begged The Elvenking to free her  but he is too stubborn for he thought it would be a trick.
"The king wants to see you. " informed the guard at Sabriel. She had no strength to move on but with courage she forced herself so that she could be free from the dungeons.

"What is your intention to enter my forest? " asked The ElvenKing.
"I was helping my companions to escape from the creatures for one of them is hurt. " said Sabriel.
The Elvenking seems to be unconvinced.
"You are weak as before, Sabriel. I see you are still a weakling," sneered The Elvenking.
Before she could continued, she fainted.
"Get the healers! " ordered The Elvenking to his guards.
The guards rushed her to the healing room and the healers start their progress. The Elvenking seems to be a little worried. He went to her companions. He saw 5 hobbits, a dwarf, an elf, a witch and two men.

'What a strange fellowship indeed ' thought he.
"I saw the healers rushed to the healing room. " said the man with a worried face.
" Is it Sabriel? " asked  one of the hobbit.
"I got a feeling that the patient is her. Who would do such a thing to her? " asked another.
"I know is that heartless Elvenking! He was the cause of it! " exclaimed the dwarf .
"Hey! Do not say that loud! He might hear you and we are all dead! " exclaimed the she- elf.

The Elvenking had an inner debate but then he went to the healing room where Healer Galileo was in charge of the girl.

"How is her condition? " asked the ElvenKing.
"She's fine. The spider venom had affect her nervous system. We did what we can to slow down the poison. " said Healer Galileo.
"What kind of creature is she?" asked the king.
"She's a half -elf. " said the healer and left.
"Galileo,please inform her companions and I would like to invite them for dinner. " said the King.

Kristen, Helena, William, Wizzle, Anderson and the hobbits attended the dinner. Galasdir was presented as well with his brother, Legolas. The Elvenking came and there food was served. Everyone ate in silence.
"I would like to hear about the journey. "said The Elvenking.
"My lord, we were assigned to do something important. " said Helena.
"We know that you are the only one who knows the way " said Kristen.
"And what do you offer in return?" asked The ElvenKing.
"We need to discuss this with our leader, Sabriel. " said William.
"Who are you? " asked The ElvenKing.
"I am William, her assistant. This is Anderson of Rohan, Kristen of West, Wizzle of Moria and Helena The witch. " said William. "The Hobbits of the Shire. Gol, Faren, Billy,Smithy and France. "
"If you'll  excuse me, I would like to retire myself to the chamber. " said Kristen for she had no mood to eat.
She left them cause them to wonder what had happened to her.
"What's wrong with Kristen? " asked Anderson.
"She's stressed. " answered Helena.
"It's not she's stress. Someone had made her feel left out. " said Gol, eyeing on The Elvenking for he knows that he was the cause of Sabriel's sickness.
"I too would like to retire to my chambers. Come, brothers. " said Smithy and they all left the place, leaving the men, dwarf and the witch.
Soon all of them left except Galasdir for his father need to speak with him.


AUTHOR NOTES : HEY GUYS!  I will be quite busy next week and I can't update until I am out from that week. So, here's another chapter and hope you enjoy it! Bye ;p

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