Chapter 24

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A few days later, Sabriel and Kristen recovered their state. King Hrivë held a grand feast for the victory that Sabriel held. Everyone in the kingdom appreciated her and Kristen. Galasdir challenge Gladiolus for a drinking game.

"I, Galasdir, the Prince of Mirkwood, challenge thy to a drinking game! " said Galasdir, drunkenly.
"I,Gladiolus, the Captains of the Guards, accept thy challenge. " laughed Gladiolus, drunkenly.

All of them drank the rum until the end of a barrel. Sabriel just sat alone, watching the companions from far. Some of the soldiers and advisors offered her a dance but she denied it.

She just twirled the wine in the glass, lost in thoughts.

"What are you wondering, my dear daughter? " asked King Hrivë.
"Father, I wasn't wondering. I was watching the scenario. " said Sabriel.
"You never changed, Sabriel. Ever since when you're younger, always scan around the place not enjoying the party. But remember, these party held over your victory. " said King Hrivë.
"Of course, Father. " said Sabriel."If you'll excuse me. "

Sabriel left to take a drink from the banquet table. She saw the elves and her people danced happily in the parade square. The Elvenking's army also lead them to victory.

"May I have these dance, my lady? " asked a voice.
"I am terribly sorry that I already had a partner. " said Sabriel.
"Come on, just a dance. " said the guard drunkenly, touching her biceps and trailed down to her body.
"Hands off! " ordered Sabriel.

The guard looked at her with dark desire.

"Now, that's a pity. A little girl was trapped now. " said the guard evilly.

He pulled her to the dark corridor and pinned her. His lips crashed onto hers. Sabriel felt disgusted, struggling to push him away. His hands trailed down to the curve of her back to her waist. His lips taste disgusting!

In a blink, a force pushed that drunk guard away.

"How dare you lay a hand on a lady?! " exclaimed Thranduil.
"The lady is mine, barbaric King." sneered the guard.
"You will pay! " exclaimed Thranduil, punching the guard.
"Thranduil! Stop! " ordered Sabriel.

He stopped and stared at her.

"Are you alright? " asked Thranduil.
"I am fine. Thank you for saving me. " smiled Sabriel.
"You are welcome. " said Thranduil, leading her out. "How come are you not aware from him? "
"He pulled me by force. I could not fight for he is strong. " said Sabriel.
"At least, he will learn a lesson not to touch a royal. " said Thranduil.
"I would agree. " said Sabriel."For the first time in forever, you speak language. "
"I am truly sorry I do not understand. What do you mean by speak language? " asked Thranduil, clulessly.
"You do not speak in riddles for the first time in forever. " answered Sabriel.
"Is that so?" asked Thranduil.
"Well, yes. " said Sabriel.

The musicians played the music and everyone was dancing happily, including King Hrivë and the rest of the fellowship members.

"Shall we dance? " asked Thranduil.
"It's better not to. I am afraid my dancing skills had slipped away after a century. " said Sabriel.
"It's alright. Perhaps, I could help you bring back those dance steps. " said Thranduil, holding her hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

The music went soft and gentle. She muttered curses under her breath for coming in the wrong time. She put her right hand on his shoulder and another clasped together with his. They waltzed around the dance floor.

"I am sorry. I mean these steps just rushed to my feet. " said Sabriel.
"It happens. " said Thranduil.

Sabriel just gave him a smile. They danced and everyone was watching them dance. Murmurs filled the air. King Hrivë's eyes were wide as he saw his daughter danced with the Elvenking.

"I thought they were enemies? " asked Smithy.
"Did the Elvenking hypnotize her? " asked Kristen.
"Why are they so close to each other? " asked Galasdir,fuming.
"Whoa, Galasdir are you envious? " asked William.
"No. " denied Galasdir, still fuming.
"You are envious, brother. Tell you what, why don't you play in the games as well? " suggested Legolas.

Galasdir just stormed away from the scene. He is envious. Kristen went to him.

"Galasdir, why are you envious? " asked Kristen.
"I don't know. It's just that my heart shattered seeing both this close. " said Galasdir.
"Galasdir, may I ask you. Do you like Sabriel?" asked Kristen.
"Well, yes. I do. But I am afraid I can't poured the love to her. " said Galasdir.
"Galasdir, if you like her, then fight for it. Alright? I have known her for literally 20 years. Cut out the deserted years. " said Kristen.
"How? " asked Galasdir.
"Well, the only thing is that you have to prove it to her that you love her. Be faithful. " said Kristen.
"What does she like to do? " asked Galasdir.
"She doesn't like chores like knitting and cooking like you know what does others do. She is more onto hunting and training." said Kristen.
"Thanks. Anymore? " asked Galasdir.
"Oh, one thing. Do not say a word about royalty. She dislike like it. " said Kristen. "Enjoy the feast. "

Galasdir was blank. He was still thinking about how to win Sabriel's heart.

'Why is it so hard? ' thought Galasdir.


AUTHOR NOTES : Well, looks like they are getting a good start and Galasdir, is envious ~? Anyway, please suggest. I am really out of ideas now.

The Quest of Middle EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora