Chapter 9: Unreturn Feeling

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Sabriel was heal but was locked up in a chamber where no one enters and get out unless the king released her. She sat on her bed with her leg crossed and her hand held a necklace shaped like a key. A key decorated with rubies. It's a key to opened a pandora box. She rubbed over the key. 

"Hey, this is yours."said Kristen , giving Sabriel the key of her pandora box.
"You have mine. " said Sabriel, giving her hers. This is when they were young.

Sabriel then let go the key. It slipped off from her hand and dropped it onto the ground. Tears begun to flow out from her eyes. She had never cried in her life after the incident but she cannot hold it anymore. A hand picked it up and handed it to her. Sabriel looked at the person. It was Galasdir. She glared and wiped her tears.

"What are you doing here? " asked Sabriel,gritting her teeth.
"You never mention about this. " said Galasdir.
"What more I can tell you? You had betrayed me. Not to mention my trust as well. " glared Sabriel.
"I am here to ask for forgiveness. " said Galasdir.
"It is too late to ask for my forgiveness. Leave me! " said Sabriel, firmly.
Galasdir frowned and took the key. He then went to his room, closed the door and sat on his bed while rubbing that ruby key.
"Have she said anything? " asked Thranduil.
"Of course not. She chose not to tell, Father. " said Galasdir.
"Then, she had chose her fate. " said Thranduil. Suddenly, the key slipped off from his hands and dropped onto the ground. 'Tin Kling '

Thranduil took the key and observed it. He admired the unique of the key.
"Just as I thought. " said Thranduil.
"Ada, give it back." said Galasdir.
"No. " said Thranduil and left.

Days passed, Sabriel woke up in a cold morning. She began to cough non stop. She felt cold and weak. She had not take a fresh air. The food that the maid served is cold and leftovers. She ate it and mostly got stomach pain.

Sudden feeling of nausea and she ran to the toilet. She vomited all the food. A knock was heard and a guard informed her that the king wants to see her.

"Please inform him that I will be there. " said Sabriel, vomiting.
After that,she changed her clothes to a blue dress.
She walked out from the room and bumped onto Galasdir.

"Are you alright? " asked Galasdir.
"Yes. " replied Sabriel, pushing him away.

Galasdir frowned and when she turned she saw her mother, the former Empress of the East. She whom had betrayed her father's love to this man.

"Are you alright, my dear? " asked Lady Glawen.
"Get off! I am alright! Just go away! I don't want to see you! " pushed Sabriel and ran away from them,crying. She ran back to her chamber and cry on her bed.
"Sabriel, you must understand. I am sorry for not being there for you. But I love you. " said the empress.
"Apology?! You have no idea how much I suffer! Ten decades of torture, horror and suffer I faced after my older siblings died. I have vow to search for Father and you. Ten decades of torture and suffering. I traveled around the world of evil. Tell me, mother. Will you accept the apology if you are in my condition? " asked Sabriel.

Lady Glawen struggled for words and gasped as well. She left without saying a word. She went to the pavilion and let her salty tears poured out from her eyes. She could not believe that her own daughter could say such words that broke her heart.

Sabriel watched her mother left. Then, an unexpected visitor none other than an angry Elvenking barge into the chamber.
"What is in your mind? I summoned you but you never show up. Why?" asked a deep and majestic voice. It is King Thranduil.
"I apologize for something had caught me delay." said Sabriel.
"When I summoned you, you come. Or else face the consequences. " said Thranduil, smirking. His hands cupped her cheek and then goes to the back of the neck of hers. Sabriel pushed his hands away and gave him a warning glare.
"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Me!" demanded Sabriel.

AUTHOR NOTES : HEY GUYS. Sorry for not updating for so long.

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