Chapter 33

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Sabriel went to the chambers of the Elvenking. The guard then approached to them. He greeted them.

"My lady, the king will see no one except you." said the guard.

"Alright. Legolas accompany me then" said Sabriel.

"My lady, only you he will listen. It is the best for you sir to stay out from this. " said the guard.

"Then, I shall leave you here, my lady." said Legolas and left.

Sabriel took a deep breath and opened slightly the oaken door. The door opened revealed a luxurious room. She scanned the surrounding of the room for threats but found none. She heard a glass break. It comes from the study room. She ventured in deeper and found the king with his personal maids whom they are trying to calm him down but fail.

"Call the lady now!" he demanded drunkenly. "NOW!"

"Of course right away sir!" said one of his personal maids.

"Where is she? Why is she isn't here?! You bunch of useless wench!" He scowled. "Get out from my room now!"

The maids bowed their head and left. Sabriel went to the king. The king stood up drunkenly adn saw her.

"Another maid to assist me? Get out!" said the king,drinking the wine from the bottle.

"Very well. I will be out. Do not ever call me for nothing." said Sabriel, leaving.

Before she get to leave the room, the king caught her wrist.

"Please don't leave me alone." said the king in a plead.

Sabriel just looked at him. There was only silence occurred around them. She sighed and helped the king up. He drank about 5 bottle? Never mind about that. She placed the king on his bed and he handed her a bottle of wine.

"No thank you. " she said.

"Then, why are you here?" he asked.

"Well, sir. You just need a rest." said Sabriel.

"No! I want to have some more wine. Bring me my wine!" he ordered.

"Sir, you had enough of wine." said Sabriel.

"No! Not enough. " He grunted.

The guards gave him the wine and he started drinking . Sabriel gulped in nervousness and sat aon the armchair beside the bed. He then turned his head and looked at Sabriel, whom is trying to figure out some ideas.

"Why are you something?" he asked seductively.

"Pardon me, sir. You are indeed in a drunken state. Perhaps you want to take a nap. " said Sabriel.

"No. I am not. You are indeed beautiful." His fingers crept to her thighs. She pushed it away and stood up.

"Touch me and I will leave you." warned Sabriel, attempt to slap him but he caught her wrist.

"Feisty one. You seems to be forgetting something, dear. " He said, pulling her close. " I am to engage to you."

Sabriel grunted and pushed him away. "Get away from me, you pathetic creature! I am leaving this instant!"

She went to the door but then it was been blocked and closed. He imprisoned her body towards the door.

"Why don't we proceed to the next level?" He smirked,sniffing her hair and scent. She tried to pushed but no he is too strong for her. She gathered her might and pushed him. She muttered an apology abd hit him unconscious. After that, she put him onto bed.

"Why are you so heavy?" she groaned softly.

She put him onto bed and immediately left the room and swore that she will never entered the room without Legolas or anybody.


The next day, she went to the barracks. The King Guards came and informed her about the army conditions.

"Madam, there were attacks in the night. Three was injured. No death occur. " said the guard.

"Well done." said Sabriel.

"My lady, the king wants to see you. " said another guard.

Sabriel went to the throne room and saw Thranduil pacing around worryingly.

"Sabriel! I truly apologize for what had happened yesterday. The wine had affect on me. " said the Elvenking.

"It's alright. " said Sabriel.

Then, a guard informed Sabriel something. She gasped and left the room.


AUTHOR NOTES ; Hey guys, I am sorry for not updating the story. Busy as usual. But I'm back. Gonna update soon! Another chapter.

Have a good day!!!!! XD

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